Schema Activator When you look at this picture, what do you see? How do you think this can be a metaphor to understanding Sociology?
Three Major Perspectives Sociological theories attempt to explain societal organization and social behaviors Framework for analyzing societies Three major theories/perspectives: Functionalist Symbolic interactionist Conflict
What are symbols? Humans are all actors We use symbols to show society who we are, how we feel, etc. Symbols can be: verbal (words or spoken communication) non verbal (actions or things) In effective communication the “sender” interprets the same meaning as the “receiver”
Curb Your Enthusiasm Example Japanese Bow? (start 24 seconds in) What was the original “symbol” being sent? Was this an example of verbal or non verbal communication? Who was the sender? Who was the receiver? Was this effective communication? Did the message mean the same to the sender and the receiver?
Symbolic Interactionist Considers symbols and details of everyday life, what these symbols mean, and how people interact with these symbols People attach meaning to symbols and then act according to their interpretation of the symbol Ex. The symbol of “poking” someone on facebook. What does that action, or symbol, mean? Thus, symbolic interactionists seek to determine what meanings individuals assign to their own actions, and to actions of others Ex. If I open a door for you, what message am I sending to you and what message are you receiving?
Criticisms Focuses on a micro (small social patterns) perspective Misses “big picture” Ex. What people wear, do, and everyday behaviors instead of larger social issues Focus on “trees” vs. “forest”
Let’s apply it! Creating a member of the GPA community Remember to be respectful! Break into groups Identify a general or specific member of the GPA community you want to represent – check with Ms. Skoglund before drawing Start with a stick figure You are going to add symbols to the stick figure to represent who they are Symbols can be verbal or non-verbal Gallery walk – others need to guess who you drew
Functionalist Perspective Think of society as a living organism in which each part of the organism contributes to its survival Society is a vast network of connected parts , each which helps If an aspect of social life does not serve some useful function or promote value among members of the society, it will not be passed from one generation to the next
Key Concepts in Functionalist Perspective Manifest function – open stated, conscious functions Latent functions – are unconscious or unintended functions that may reflect hidden purposes of an institution EX. colleges – manifest – academic competence, latent – decrease unemployment, social – meet partners
Example of Functionalist Perspective Compared to 150 years ago, the divorce rate and number of single parent households has sky rocketed. Why? How would sociologists explain this? What could be some explanations?
Criticisms Neglects to explain negative functions Ex. Racism Justifies status quo and prevents individuals from taking an active role to change their environment Viewed that societies will naturally compensate for any problems that arise