EBSCOhost Collection Manager Approver Account Functions


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Presentation transcript:

EBSCOhost Collection Manager Approver Account Functions Tutorial EBSCOhost Collection Manager Approver Account Functions support.ebsco.com

Patron Driven Acquisition or (PDA) is a way for library staff to enable patrons to assist with eBook purchasing decisions. A PDA list is created by staff and exposed to patrons for browsing, but the titles are not purchased until triggered by patrons.

Titles on your PDA list are triggered for purchase in a few ways Titles on your PDA list are triggered for purchase in a few ways. These include browsing the selected title for 10 minutes in a single session and performing several page turns in a session. Note however, the user is never aware that their actions are actually triggering the purchase of a title. In this tutorial, we look at creating a PDA list as a selector, adding titles, and approving the PDA list as an approver.

To create the PDA list, from the Home screen, click the New link in the PDAs drop-down menu.

Name your list and choose your list settings, which include payment model and loan options. Note a minimum deposit or budget amount of 1,000$ is required. After choosing your settings, click Save PDA.

The new list is added to your In Progress PDAs list The new list is added to your In Progress PDAs list. Next, add titles to this list by entering search terms and using the Select Field drop-down menus to limit your search to fields such as Author, Title, or ISBN. Using the Full Search Options link, you can apply limiters such as Content Type and List Price to limit your results. Then click Search.

From the result list select the Available for PDA limiter under Eligibility to view only titles that are eligible for PDA purchase. Click the Add to List/PDA link for a title to add it to the PDA list or select the entire page by clicking the Add Page to List/PDA link.

After making your selection a window is displayed After making your selection a window is displayed. Select the Add to PDA button and choose your list. Select the Access Model or Loan Terms to complete your PDA.

I would like to include a slide that actually shows the list setting menu and shows patrons where they can make the changes. At any time, you can update the settings for your list by clicking List Settings and then click Edit Settings. Make your changes and click Save Settings.

When you are ready to submit a list to your approver, click the Submit for Approval button.

Select an approver and click Submit.

Approving a Submitted PDA

Approvers can access submitted PDA lists from the PDAs menu, or the Submitted Lists box on the left. Click Add to Cart to add the PDA list directly to the cart or click on the title to review the list.

When you review the list, you can reject it, adjust the deposit or budget amount, or add it to the cart to complete the purchase. When you reject a list, you can add a message to the selector with instructions on how to adjust the list before re-submitting.

When the list is finalized click Add PDA to Cart.

On the Shopping Cart screen, review the order summary, check the box to acknowledge you have read and agree to the Order Terms, and click Finalize Order to complete your purchase.

Select billing information from the available options and click Submit Order. Your purchase is complete and your PDA titles will soon appear as available to your users. If you do not see the correct billing information, contact EBSCO Technical Support.

At any time, you can access Help information by clicking the Help link at the top of the screen. Within the online help system, a full range of instructions are available in the menu on the left.