Michigan State University The LearningOnline Network with Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach (LON-CAPA) Gerd Kortemeyer Wolfgang Bauer Michigan State University
LON-CAPA Learning Content Management System Assessment System Open-Source and Free
LON-CAPA Learning Content Management System Assessment System Open-Source and Free
LearningOnline Network LON-CAPA learning content management is: a cross-institutional cross- disciplinary content repository a tool to seamlessly assemble this content a complete course management system to readily deploy this content
Bottom: Virtual Filesystem “The aisles of your supermarket” Your shopping cart: The Resource Assembly Tool
Middle: Resource Assembly Tool
Top: Complete Course Management System Course Navigation Tools Communication features (discussion, thread) Announcements Portfolio space Homework, Exams (online/offline)
LON-CAPA Learning Content Management System Assessment System Open-Source and Free
LON-CAPA’s Approach Online assessment with immediate adaptive feedback and multiple tries Different students get different versions of the same problem different options different graphs or images different numbers or formulas
Same problem, two students
Formative Assessment Feedback to the student “how am I doing?” “what is expected?” Feedback to the instructor “how is my class doing?” “what do I need to deal with, and what not?” Just-In-Time
Feedback to Instructor One Homework Set
Feedback to Instructor
Problem Analysis
Formative Assessment: Peer-Teaching
Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Turning Summative into Formative
Turning Summative into Formative
LON-CAPA Learning Content Management System Assessment System Open-Source and Free
LON-CAPA Open-source free software GNU General Public License No license fees Can be modified, extended, improved, adapted ... Runs on Linux, no license fees for operating system Developed by educators for educators
LON-CAPA Does it work?
Effectiveness LON-CAPA is a tool, not a curriculum. Effectiveness depends on how it is used.
Time on Task: 10,000 students x5
Time-On-Task Academic year 2004/2005 Approx 12,600 (fall) and 10,800 (spring) MSU students 100,000 logins 16 days into the year 1,000,000 logins by March, seven months into the year
Before/After Time-On-Task vs. Perceived Helpfulness
Formative vs. Summative
Formative vs. Summative
Exam and Course Grades
Gender Differential phy231: traditional phy232: CAPA
LON-CAPA What’s Next?
Formative Assessment in Class In-Class Use of LON-CAPA Partnering with Harvard (Mazur group) on using LON- CAPA as next generation “clickers”
Formative Assessment in Class
Funding Initially developed at Michigan State University Additional funding of CAPA by Sloan and Mellon Foundations Today funded by Michigan State University, publisher and service contracts, and the National Science Foundation within the ITR and CCLI-ASA programs