E-LOCK STEALTH For Motorcycle Jajang Nurhidayat 10152062
E-Lock Stealth is the latest product from E-Lock created for the security of your vehicle but do not need to remember the PIN that for some people are hard to grasp. E-Lock Stealth was created to increase your confidence and your calmness in a vehicle parked wherever you are
E-Lock Stealth has the sophistication : Auto / Manual lock 01 Anti seized, can Starter / stop the engine from a distance (maximum 50 meters) 02 Contents Sub titleEquipped with Neutral Tooth Sensor 03 Silent Mode (mode without sound) 04 Equipped with the ignition key Alarm Search Mode (look for the vehicle) 05 06
01. Auto / Manual lock With this system, you do not need to worry whether the alarm has been activated or not because as soon as the ignition is turned off, the alarm activated immediately, and if there are bad people who turned the ignition, the alarm will sound and the vehicle's engine still can not be turned on, you can also program lock manually by pressing the lock button on the remote to lock your vehicle, manual lock function, usually used when we want to service the vehicle.
02. Anti seized, can Starter / stop the engine from a distance (maximum 50 meters) This function is useful in case of deprivation of vehicles on the highway. You do not need to fight, just press the Lock button on the remote, the engine will die and can not be turned on again before pressing the unlock button on the remote. You can also use the function Stater use the remote to heat up the engine before you travel.
03. Equipped with Neutral Tooth Sensor This system will provide security for you, especially for motor type men like Honda Tiger, Mega Pro Honda, Yamaha Scorpio etc., where the teeth versnelling entered then Stater button on the Remote does not work, it is intended that a vehicle does not jump when the Start button is pressed.
04. Equipped with the ignition key Alarm This function is helpful if there are people who intend evil to steal your vehicle, then when the ignition is turned to ON, the ALARM will sound and the vehicle's engine still can not be turned on, thus providing complete security on your vehicle.
05. Silent Mode (mode without sound) E-Lock Stealth equipped with systems Silent Mode (mode without sound) that some people do not like the sounds of the siren when Lock and Unlock button on the remote is pressed. It also gives confidence to you, if one day Sirene is damaged, it is not necessarily Alarm is also broken, because even though Sirene no sound, but all four turn signal lights will keep blinking when you press the Lock button or Unlock.
06. Search Mode (look for the vehicle) E-Lock comes with the Search button Stealth Mode, this system serves to locate the vehicle spacious parking place, you will not be difficult, to find your vehicle, Because The turn signal lights will blink.
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