Sci/SS PLT Time – Focus! 12/13 Success Habit #4: Appropriate Help Seeking: Self-directed learners don’t just feel comfortable asking for help from peers and teachers, they also do it in a way that will help sustain their learning. Self-directed learners are not satisfied with the answer or the next step in the process but want to know why their current strategy isn’t working and why other strategies might work better. Social Studies Revolutionary War Assessment & Constitution DIAGNOSTIC Test Science Punnett FINAL Assessment & Project: Final Genetic Counseling Letter Priorities: Social Studies: Do the 2 Focus Area Resources you selected, yesterday. Objective #1: Fastest Route Active Reading & Notes SS Text Chapter 9.3 & 4 Pages 261 - 272 Additional: Election Day Additional “Founding Fathers and Mothers People” Create a 2nd Presentation To be Eligible Science: If your Client Letter is not DONE, then that is your PRIORITY!!! Next Up Focus Areas: History of Life Take DIAGNOSTIC Test! Evidence for Evolution Natural Selection Challenge Objective: Advanced Genetics – Anyone planning to take Honors Bio in HS SHOULD do this Challenge Objective! *Testing Requests: You may ask to Accept a Test if you have either: Earned a 90% on a Diagnostic Assessment Submitted Proof of Learning Efforts (e.g. Reading and/or Video Notes, CFU’s, Problem Sets) Set your 30 minute Goal DO It Reward Yourself
Tuesday 12-13 Map Testing!! - Reading Success Habit: Persistence!! Session: SREnglish8 Password: 2106 Agenda: Map Testing in Reading until LUNCH at 12:40 – 1:10 Core 1 1:10 – 1:37 Core 2 1:37 – 2:04 Core 3/Lockers 2:04 – 2:35 Free PLT in Science or Social Studies: IF Final Genetics Letter is NOT Handed in … THEN that is your Priority }