Sierra Company METL Assessment April 26 2016
Academic Assessment
Academic Assessment
Academic Pillar Strategy Study skills workshops Required for 3rd class and academically deficient cadets Training to highlight the academic resources on campus Focus targeted TAC counseling early Fall Semester Continue to monitor individual students and ESP
Overall Assessment Last Year This Year Academic T, P, or U Military P Moral-Ethical T Physical Fitness
Military Assessment T Strengths Weaknesses Conducts regular PAIs Finished top 5 in parade multiple times Enforcement of standards Weaknesses Lack of motivation MRI’s Lack of eligible rank holders
Military Assessment Avg parade results last year Avg parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C 13 9 1 - 2C 11 3C 4 3 4C Total 17 5
Military Pillar Strategy Continue PAI’s; conduct MRI’s daily Execute parade practice like a parade Get leaders more involved/ improve communication SQD Sgts and Cpls working more as a team Accountability of cadets outside of formation Hold leaders accountable
Moral-Ethical Assessment P Strengths Strong bonds among cadets Community Service (highest in Bat.) Religious Activities Weaknesses Alcohol incidences Honor violations Spirit of the Honor Code
Moral-Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations this year Number of honor accusations last year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 1 - 2C 3C 4C 2 Total 3
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy Encouragement of religious activity Hold Officer/NCO to high standard so they can better lead by example Continue to enforce the importance of Honor, Duty, and Respect
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Strengths Positive Environment for Growth Multiple Maxing CPFT Scores Adjusting for Improvements Weaknesses Motivation at Morning PT Intramural Participation Passing of Pre-existing Deficient Cadets (CPFT) 50%
Physical Effectiveness Assessment
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy Continue decreasing the deficient cadet roster by educating and promoting better diets among the company. One on one counseling for all who fail HW/CPFT. Encourage more participation in intramurals
Company Commander/TAC Comments Sierra Company continues to show positive leader improvements from previous year No 4th class violations this year “Respect” violations rapidly dealt with Incoming leadership postured well for highly successful 2016-17 SY