English and its history M3 U2 Reading English and its history
William Shakespeare a brilliant English poet and playwright during Renaissance (文艺复兴)
Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? you 我能否将你比作夏天? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. you 我能否将你比作夏天? are You 你比夏天更美丽温婉。 a date. 狂风将五月的蓓蕾凋残, 夏日的勾留何其短暂? has
Please go through the Reading strategy and tell me how to read a history article.
history a ______ article Reading strategy (P23) order 1. Notice ______ and _______ dates years time chart 2. Make a _________, listing______________ important information order 3: Help you understand the ________of events and how pieces of information ____________ the rest of the text. relate to
Skim over the text in 2 minutes and answer the 3 questions on page 22. 通过基于问题任务的快速文本浏览,掌握文本的主体大意,为进一步阅读建立框架。 让学生带着问题听,避免了盲目,同时也对个别细节更为关注。 6
Fast reading 1. What is the article about? English and its history. 2.What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article? Old English, Middle English and Modern English. 3. Is what way is English still changing? English is still changing in many way, such as in vocabulary and pronunciation.
Comprehension How many parts can we divide the text into? Introduction Old English Middle English 快速浏览课文的小标题,实际是一种阅读策略的输入。“授人以鱼不如授人以渔”,因此让学生掌握方法、技能、策略也是教学应当关注的课题。在阅读过程中,教师有意识地加入策略培训,有助于学生实现更为有效的阅读。 Modern English 8
Why does the English language have so many rules that confuse people? Introduction Why does the English language have so many rules that confuse people? Because it is made up of the grammar and vocabulary that people from different countries and cultures brought with them to Britain.
Careful reading Old English(L5-L22) Task 1: Find and say something about the words. Celtic: the Angles and the Saxons: the Vikings: L8 :a language spoken by people in Britain before the middle of the 5th century L9 :two Germanic groups from the European mainland L14: people from Northern European countries
Time Events Before the middle of the 5th century People in Britain all spoke _____________________. During the period from the middle of the 5th century to the end of the 9th century ___________ developed from the mixing of the languages of three Germanic tribes --the Angles,the Saxons,and the Jutes with Celtic. At the ___ of the 9th century The Vikings_______________ _________________________. By the 10th century Old English was the________language of England. a language called Celtic. Anglo-Saxon end invaded Britain and brought their language. official
Time chart Old English events language before 5th then end of 9th 10th occupied by the two Germanic groups the Vikings began to move to became official language Spoke Celtic before 5th then end of 9th 10th language Old English
the 5th century
the 9th century
Languages of Angles and Saxons Old English Languages of Angles and Saxons Celtic Languages of Vikings
Middle English French’s influence on English: What are the factors that contributed to the development of middle English? French’s influence on English: 1. More words with similar meanings 2. Words for meat and animals 3. French ways of making plurals
reply answer More words with similar meanings. Old English Old French the same meaning (回答) reply answer Old English Old French
Why ? French beef mutton pork/bacon English ox/cow sheep pig Words for Examples Words for animals Words for their meat English French ox/cow beef Why ? mutton sheep pig pork/bacon
Making plurals Examples Germanic way French way house shoe man child housen houses shoen shoes men children
French’s influence on English: What are the factors that contributed to the development of middle English? French’s influence on English: 1. More words with similar meanings 2. Words for meat and animals 3. French ways of making plurals Henry IV official occasions Middle English
Time chart events Middle English language latter half of 14th 1066 appeared during the Renaissance events Henry Ⅳ became King and used Normans defeated and took control had come into widespread use keep on changing latter half of 14th 1066 1399 16th Modern English Middle English language
Modern English(L51-L58) Task 1: Read together and answer the following questions 1.When did Modern English appear? 2.Why does Modern English include many Latin and Greek words? 3.What also changed a lot in Modern English? 4. What will people keep doing? During the Renaissance in the 16th century. Because of the Renaissance. Pronunciation People will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.
Latin and Greek Middle English Modern English How was Modern English formed? Latin and Greek Middle English Modern English
English and its history Consolidation English and its history Old English In the middle of the 5th century, the language 1.________ in Britain was Celtic. Then Britain was 2.________ by the Angles and the Saxons, who brought their language into Old English. At the end of the 9th century, the Vikings created Old English, 3._______ their languages with Anglo-Saxon. By the 10th century, Old English, had become the 4.________ language of English. Middle English In 1066, England was 5._______ by the Normans, but French didn’t take the 6._____ of English as the first language. By the latter half of the 14th century, English had been 7.________used among all classes in England. 8.________ English Vocabulary and pronunciation also went 9._________ great changes during the Renaissance. It is 10.________ that English will continue developing in the future. spoken occupied mixing official defeated place widely through Modern certain
What may affect a language? Discussion What may affect a language? wars cultures 3. the differences of dialects(方言) 4. modern science and technology …
Group activity Suppose one of your group is a linguistic expert(语言学家)and the other three are journalists, we will hold a press conference…
Tips for experts Make a brief introduction of English language, and please focus on times and events. Useful sentence patterns. e.g. it’s my great honor to …; What I am going to talk about today is…; thank you for …;
Tips for journalists Ask the expert some questions focused on features of the different period. Useful sentence patterns. e.g. thank you for…; I’d like to ask you…; As you just mentioned…, what do you think of…?
Time for discussion
Time for presentation
History of English language appeared during the Renaissance had come into widespread use became official language spoke Celtic Henry Ⅳ became King and used occupied by the two Germanic groups the Vikings moved to Normans defeated and took control French didn’t replace keep on changing latter half of 14th 5th then 9th 10th 1066 1316 1399 16th Old English Middle English Modern English
Homework Write a short summary of English and its history according to what we have learned today. 通过课后的写作,一方面巩固所学知识,另一方面弥补写的技能训练。 33
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