Process of disciplining techniques for boys and girls N.VISHNUPRIYA MATHEMATICS
What is discipline?
To train someone physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially When combined with love and respect, it helps children to develop self-esteem and responsibility Parents, teachers, caregivers and others train children when they talk, teach, hold and spend time with them
Positive Tools Help Develop Self-Control When children have self-control they know What to do When to do it Can behave appropriately even when caregiver is not around Self-control helps children feel safe feel confident be able to think for themselves
Effects of Negative Tools Negative tools like spanking, hitting, yelling or making fun of children tend to make them timid and withdrawn or rebellious and mean lead children to feel bad about themselves and to develop fewer feelings of self-control lead children to question parents’ love and discount the times they really do want to talk, hold, or spend time with them Constant questioning and discounting of children leads to discouragement, and a discouraged child is more likely to misbehave
Reasons Children Misbehave Boredom Angry feelings Need for attention or love Low self-esteem Anxiety results from caregivers who are not familiar with ages and stages of children’s growth and development Confusion results if caregivers are not familiar with family and household rules Illness Curiosity
Understanding Development Understanding child development helps a parent or caregiver to guide behavior Physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development influence guidance techniques that a caregiver or parent can use
Remember! Disciplining and guiding children is not easy All children misbehave or argue some of the time You can respond quickly when children need guidance if you understand the reasons for their behavior and know your options
Punishment A penalty for a wrong doing. Severe treatment. Use as a last resort Forces child to obey. Child learns to obey out of fear. Child Learns: RESENTMENT REVENGE RETREAT Low self esteem Sneaky
Guidance To give advice, counsel or help. Child learns what is expected of them. Learn by example. A parent’s daily job!!
Reasons for Misbehavior Normal for the age. Natural curiosity. Don’t know better. For attention. Unfulfilled needs For power. For revenge. Feel inadequate. To feel they belong. Environment
Effective Techniques SET LIMITS WITH RULES Rules are necessary to protect a child from danger and set examples of acceptable behavior. Everyone is more confident and comfortable knowing how to act in a new situation.
*Remember, behaviors that are rewarded happen more often.* Types of Rewards Social Rewards: Praising your child with words and gestures Giving a hugs, high-fives, smiles Material Rewards: Giving your child small toys or special treats that he likes Stickers, special notes, coloring pages Activity Rewards: Doing activities with your child that she likes Reading to your child, playing a game together, going to the park *Remember, behaviors that are rewarded happen more often.*
Positive Statements Telling a child what they CAN do, rather than what they CAN’T do. Instructions are more clear. Children feel good. Works for: all ages! “Please walk” instead of “Don’t run”
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE: Have rules and remind them often KEEP RULES SHORT & SIMPLE Be nice to teacher and classmates Raise hand to speak Walk in halls
CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE cont’d Sometimes it helps to whisper to the child Resist giving attention to the disruptor “Someone is disturbing the class” Move closer, place hand on shoulder Involve them Talk privately “What can I do to get your help?”
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