Gun control Dante Chavez
Dunblane, Scotland Wednesday March 13th 1996 Dunblane Primary School Thomas Hamilton 43 Scout leader Gym 4 handguns 3 minutes 16 children 1 teacher
results British government bans private ownership of automatic weapons and handguns Gang weapon of choice: knife Only 2% of cops carry guns 55 homicides in one year One or two were shootings
Tasmania, Australia Sunday April 28 1996 Port Arthur Martin Bryant 48 He had money Colt AR-15 SP1 carbine & L1A1 SLR battle riffle A day 20 in the first 90 seconds – 29 rounds 35 dead 18 severely wounded 24 non-fatal
results 12 days, 6 states, 2 territories, federal government, and opposition parties agree to reform gun laws John Howard, newly elected conservative prime minister quickly reformed gun laws 1 million firearms smelted, one third of civilian guns 16 years in 2013 without mass shootings
America Columbine, Colo. 13d/24i Binghamton, N.Y. 13d/4i Atlanta 9d/12i Ft. Hood, Texas 13d/42i Fort Worth 7d/7i Manchester, Conn. 8d/2i Honolulu 7d Aurora, Colo. 12d/58i Wakefield, Mass. 7d Newton, Conn. 27d/1i Red Lake Indian Reservation, Minn. 9d/7i Washington, D.C. 12d/3i Charleston, S.C. 9d Blacksburg, Va. 32d/17i Roseburg, Ore. 9d/9i Omaha 8d/4i San Bernardino, Calif. 14d/21i
Some numbers 300 million+ 11 million made in 2013 People in America: approx. 300 million 31% of households reported having a firearm in 2014 22.4% of adults owned guns in 2014 23 million FBI background checks in 2015 372 mass shootings in 2015 80% of guns in mass shootings were obtained legally
Concealed Carry Basically get rid of gun free zones Allow a responsible adult with a gun license and training to have guns Shootings are less likely to occur where other people have guns When faced with resistance most deranged shooters give up
Israel PLO (Palestine Liberal Organization) Kidnapped Israel students and eventually massacred them As a response the Israeli raised security at schools Armed guards or armed teachers Israel has not experienced such an attack ever since
conclusion Gun bans have certainly reduced crimes in other places around the world America is not likely to join that list A lot of guns in America I think the concealed carry law might help if only a little
Final note on mass shootings america/
Works Cited Baker, Al. “In Scotland, Unlike America, Mass Shooting Led to Stricter Gun Laws.” The New York Times 5 Dec. 2015. Web. 29 Apr. 2016 Chapman, Simon, and Philip Alpers. “Gun-Related Deaths: How Australia Stepped Off “The American Path.” Annals of Internal Medicine 158.10 (2013): 770-771Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016 Hirschman, Elizabeth C. “Social Contract Theory and The Semiotics of Guns in America.” Social Semiotics 24.5 (2014): 541-560. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2016 Los Angeles Times Staff. “Deadliest U.S. Mass Shootings | 1984-2015.” The Los Angeles Times 2 Dec. 2015. Web. 29 Apr.2016 Nedzel, Nadia. “Concealed Carry: The Only Way to Discourage Mass School Shootings.” Academic Questions 27.4 (2014): 429-435. Professional Development Collection. Web. 29 Apr. 2016