How to Read Your Quarterly Statement Your Retirement Plan Statement Hello. My name is [Presenter’s Name] and I’m your representative. The following seminar is to help you read and understand your retirement plan quarterly statement. After this seminar you should have a better understanding of each section of your quarterly statement so you can take a more active role in achieving your financial goals. Please feel free to ask questions as we go along or afterward.
Your Quarterly Statement Your statement provides the following information: User-friendly design Illustrative charts of your current asset allocation Concise information about your plan account with MetLife, including elections for future contributions Your statement is one of the best tools available to help you monitor your MetLife retirement plan account activity. It provides a user-friendly design, illustrative charts of your current asset allocation, and concise information about your plan account with MetLife including elections for future contributions. Today, I will explain each section and how it pertains to your MetLife plan account activity. A better understanding of your MetLife retirement plan activity may help you take a more active role in achieving your financial goals for a comfortable retirement.
Your Quarterly Statement Let’s review your statement layout and the information it provides.
Your Quarterly Statement 1 2 Section #1: Profile Information – Provides your personal profile information such as your name, address, participant ID and plan number, as well as the time period the statement covers. Section #2: Statement Narrative – Includes important messages about your Plan. Section #3: What is my account balance? – Shows your account balance as of the last day of the quarter for which the statement is provided. Section #4: Where can I go for help? – Website, phone and mailing contact information if you need assistance with your account. 3 4
Your Quarterly Statement 5 6 Section #5: What might my monthly income be at retirement? – Displays your projected retirement income based on the current balance when the statement was produced using certain factors and assumptions. You can see information about the assumptions used at the end of your statement and get even more personalized information about this projection by logging into your account at Section #6: How has my account changed? – Summarizes the opening and closing values of your Plan account along with the changes in value for the statement period. Section #7: How will my future contributions be invested? – Breaks down how your contributions will be invested based on the most recent investment direction you provided. 7
Your Quarterly Statement 8 Section #8: How is my account invested? – A pie chart illustrates the allocation of your total Plan account balance among the various investments. You will also see detailed information about your period-ending investment units and shares and total market value of each investment.
Your Quarterly Statement 9 10 Section #9: How is my account being funded? – Explains your balance from all contribution sources and provides the percentage and dollar amount in which you are vested for each. Section #10: How has my account changed over time? – Highlights your average annual effective yield for the statement period and your year-to-date payroll contributions.
Your Quarterly Statement 11 Section #11: What activity took place this period? – Provides detailed information about your deposits, contributions, withdrawals and expenses for the statement period. Section #12: What are the rates on new deposits for fixed investments? – Identifies the current rate for any new deposits into the fixed return investment options and the date the rate is good through. 12
Your Quarterly Statement 13 14 Section #13: What is the rate of return on my retirement account(s)? – Shows your individual rate of return, based on your investment selections, for the statement period and year-to-date. Section #14: How have the investments in my plan performed? – Shows the performance returns for each investment option including year-to-date and statement period returns.
Your Quarterly Statement Need More Information? Call the automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system or access your retirement account via the Internet. 1-800-543-2520 Need More Information? Call the automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. You can also access your retirement account via the internet to do things such as: Change future investments View Plan account transaction history Track investment performance Download forms Access educational tools and calculators
The statement sample presented in this seminar is for illustrative purposes only. The participant information and Plan features shown here do not represent your actual account and may or may not reflect the statement you receive. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10166. Securities distributed by MetLife Investors Distribution Company (MLIDC) (member FINRA). Both are MetLife companies. MLR19000544105 -1 L1215451075[exp0217][All States][DC]