ILMT/BigFix Inventory Demo 6/27/2018 September 2017 ILMT/BigFix Inventory Demo Pawel Januszek, Boguslaw Nowak BigFix Inventory/ILMT Development 2017-09-21
Agenda (ILMT and BigFix Inventory) Flexible custom attributes that facilitate risk management of license compliance in scenarios such as: · Creating notifications about products that approach end of entitlement date · Categorizing products by tenants, contracts or owners · Having quick access to supporting license documents (BigFix Inventory) Whole version string visible in BigFix Inventory user interface for discovered Oracle and IBM products. (BigFix Inventory) We would also like to answer the question whether BigFix Inventory can be used by SAMs to trace SAP license utilization?
Hosted Beta Environment
Flexible custom attributes for Products/Thresholds 6/27/2018 Part 1 Flexible custom attributes for Products/Thresholds
6/27/2018 How James, Software Asset Manager, can use Custom Attibutes to be notified about products which are approaching renewal date. James' tasks: James needs to inform Procurement about products which are approching end of entitlement. He does not want to review BigFix Inventory UI every day. Solution: James will use Custom Attributes on reports which are created from ‚All Metrics’ report to be notifed about products which are 90 days or less to their renewal time. In addition James can have invormation which Contract/Entitlements Group are impacted, who is Product Owner responsible for them and review relevant License documents.
6/27/2018 Part 2 Whole version string visible in BigFix Inventory user interface for discovered Oracle and IBM products
6/27/2018 How James, Software Asset Manager, can have extended version information for initial security assessment. James' tasks: James uses software management process which includes sharing software inventory with security departament in his organization. His task is to prepare a report of discovered software inventory with extended version information. Solution: James will enable extended discovery of Oracle databases to get full version information, which contains more information than needed for software asset management purpose. Extened version information is available on Software Classification report.
BigFix Inventory support for SAP license utilization tracing 6/27/2018 Part 3 BigFix Inventory support for SAP license utilization tracing
6/27/2018 How James, Software Asset Manager, can trace SAP license utilization in BigFix Inventory. James' tasks: As the SAM, James wants to trace license utilization in SAP system,to make sure license costs are under control. James uses BigFix Inventory to manage licenses for other type of software, so James would like to use the same tool for SAP licence utilization tracing.
James took conversation with Peter, SAP administrator to understand SAP licensing complexity Per Peter explanation: Almost every software engine uses its own specific metric (e.g. number of employees, annual revenue etc.). License usage of software and users is measured by SAP software itself. The resulting report is a base for license compliance audits. Manual measurement is a time-consuming task however this is yearly performed action. It can be automated but not all SAP customers take advantage of this possibility. No historical data or trends tracing Modules with self-declared licensing model
Peter draw sample SAP architecture SAP landscape USMM SLAW 1 2 3 4 5 USMM - System Measurement SLAW - License Administration Workbench (consolidation of measurements and final report)
and presented sample SAP licensing report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Consolidated Meas. Results for Engines (Productive Clients) | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Engine ID Number | | mySAP Human Resources 0100 | | Master records PD Organizational Mgmt 0100 3504 | | Master records PD personnel development 0120 1005 | | Master records PA withdrawn 0150 241 | | Master records PA inactive 0151 8 | […] | mySAP Banking 0200 | | CLR: Financial Objects 0200 6098 | | CLR: Active Financial Objects 0201 5971 | | RM: Financial Objects 0210 6098 | | RM: Active financial objects 0211 6094 | | Consolidated Meas. Results by User Types | | User Type Surcharges ID Number | | Standalone | | SAP Application Professional CB 4793 | | mySAP Professional (Cat. II) 52 6 | SAP engine name Metric values Metric names
In cooperation with BFI developers, James proposed solution Blue – IBM Green - SAP BigFixSAPTool BigFix Inventory SAP Java connector 1 Config file BigFix communication SAP proprietary protocol SAP landscape USMM 1 USMM 5 3 USMM SLAW USMM USMM 2 4
SAP license usage reporting in BFI – Resource Utilization report
6/27/2018 How James, Software Asset Manager, can trace SAP license utilization in BigFix Inventory. Solution: BFI provides the interface to collect information about SAP license utilization and display them on Resource Utilization report in BigFix Inventory.
6/27/2018 Future: Peter asked James if using BFI it is possible to manage from BFI System Measurement step in SAP ladnscape. BigFixSAPTool USMM SLAW SAP landscape SAP Java connector Blue – IBM Green - SAP BigFix Inventory Config file ABAP code 1 2 3 4 5 SAP proprietary protocol BigFix communication
Forum: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool 6/27/2018 Forum: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool Wiki: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool Beta Community Twitter: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool YouTube: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool