Class of 2019 Fall Presentation Before we start… Take out your phones and sign up for REMIND if you haven’t already! The number: 81010 Text: @mrsdreon
Why is junior year important? You are here.
ALL CHANGES REQUIRE A NOTE OF PERMISSION FROM HOME!! Schedule Changes Are you in the right classes? Monday 9/11 – Friday 9/22 elective changes are permitted – providing there’s space!! Monday 9/11 – Friday10/27 level changes are permitted with TEACHER and PARENT APPROVAL Also OK to drop an elective for a study hall if you don’t already have one ALL CHANGES REQUIRE A NOTE OF PERMISSION FROM HOME!!
Academics and testing this year Keystone Exams ASVAB PSAT SAT ACT
Keystone Exams Algebra, Biology, Literature If you scored Basic or Below Basic, you will retest in Dec and/or Jan this year Incentives offered for Proficient scores Still a graduation requirement at this point If Proficient on all 3 tests, choose two incentives If Proficient on 2 of 3, choose one incentive Options: arrive one period late, leave one period early, open lunch, preferred parking, events pass
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Given by Armed Services on Oct 17 during periods 1-4 Important for those considering military careers Sign up today and hand in your form to Mrs. Weber in the Counseling Office
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test Saturday, October 14th Register in Counseling Office by Friday, 9/15 Registration forms available today! Fee: $20.00 payable to Lower Dauphin School District NMSQT – National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test
SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test Critical Reading and Math scores Optional essay Given on: November 4 (deadline Oct. 6), March 10, and June 2 (Saturdays) at LD Register online at
Important SAT Notes Create a College Board account and put log in info in your phone Must upload a photo of yourself as part of the registration process Need to print out your admission ticket AND bring a photo ID! Colleges take best scores – consider testing at least twice
SAT Preparation To prepare for the SAT, you can take a prep course, buy test preparation materials from a book store, or do free prep through Khan academy at LD’s prep course (for the November SAT): Meets 6 times (3 English, 3 Math) – Wednesday evenings (begins 9/20) or Saturday mornings (begins 9/16) Cost is $50 Register with Mrs. Weber in Counseling Office Winter dates will also be available for March test – register in January
ACT American College Test Given at LD on Dec 9 and April 14 Register online at Scores: English, math, science reasoning, and reading
Key Resources College reps at LD – sign up in Naviance Career Planning Career, College and Major searching Testing info, military recruiters, links to career planning, directions for Naviance Junior and Senior College information Packet
Important events Career and College Planning Program February 7th at 7:00 pm LDHS Library For students and parents College and career planning information Financial Aid Night October 18th at 6:30 pm LDHS Library For students and parents General financial aid info; great for parents of juniors
Post graduation planning What is my career goal right now? Who will I shadow this year for Careers class? Are there career programs that I can participate in this year to help explore my options? Do I need to take any college entrance exams? If so, what exam should I take and when should I do that? Have I done any college searching? When will I visit? What College Reps are coming to Lower Dauphin?