Equality and Diversity Staff Induction September 15
Equality and Diversity Equality Act 2010 – legislative framework Public Sector Equality Duty – specific role of public sector organizations Your Role – you MUST be compliant with the law and with the regulatory framework Inspection of E&D in learning and skills provision – heavy focus – achievement gap
Statement of Equality & Diversity Commitment by Principal and Chair of Corporation “I believe that equality of opportunity is at the heart of our College values and underpins the success of each and every one of our learners. I also believe that all members of the college community should feel valued and able to fulfil their learning potential.”
Equality/Inequality Equality Inequality Equality is having equal opportunities and rights. It is being able and supported to reach your potential. Inequality Inequality is when people aren’t given equal opportunities and rights. They are treated unfairly and experience discrimination
Diversity Diversity is about valuing individual difference.
Tackling Inequality Over the years, laws have been introduced to tackle discrimination and to help ensure people with particular characteristics are treated fairly. These laws are called civil laws. Civil law mostly involves disagreements between people, companies or other organisations. It is enforced by one person suing another person or corporation and the case will end up in a civil court. Where as criminal laws are enforced by the police and the courts, and if they are broken you can face very serious consequences, including time in prison.
Anti-discrimination laws timeline Slavery Abolition Act 1833: Abolished slavery throughout the British Empire 1918 Representation of the People Act: Gave women of property, over the age of 30 the right to vote – not all women could vote. It took until 1928 for women to have the same voting rights as men. Equal Pay Act 1970: Made it unlawful for there to be less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment.
Anti-discrimination laws timeline Sex Discrimination Act 1975: Protect men and women from discrimination because of sex or marriage in employment, training, education, provision of goods and services and the disposal of premises. Race Relations Act 1976: Prevents discrimination because of race in employment, the provision of goods and services, education and public functions. Disability Discrimination Act 1995: Prevents discrimination against people because of disabilities in employment, the provision of goods and services, education and transport.
Anti-discrimination laws timeline The Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003: Made it unlawful to discriminate because of sexuality in employment. The Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003: Made it unlawful to discriminate because of religion or belief in employment. The Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006: Made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against employees because of age. The Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007: Made it unlawful to discriminate because of sexual orientation in the provision of goods, facilities, services, education and public functions.
Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act 2010 brings together all previous equality laws. It makes it law that every private, public, and voluntary organisation must not discriminate against employees and service users because of a particular characteristic. So if they discriminate against their employees, learners or other service users they could be breaking the law!
Equality Act 2010 Religion or belief Sexual orientation Transgender The Equality Act aims to make sure that people with certain characteristics are protected from discrimination. What groups of people commonly experience discrimination? What characteristics do they share that result in people treating them unfairly? Religion or belief Sexual orientation Transgender Sex Age Disability Race Pregnancy and maternity Marriage and civil partnership
Equal Opportunity Policy Race Equality Policy Previous Bury College policies and procedures for Equality and Diversity Equal Opportunity Policy Race Equality Policy Disability Equality Policy Age Equality Policy Gender Equality Policy
Current position A single document which outlines our policy regarding Equality and Diversity and also allows us to meet our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to publish information relating to our commitment to:- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a characteristic and those who don’t Foster good relations between people who share a characteristic and those who don’t
Statistics In 2007, 97% of hairdresser apprentices were women, receiving £109 per week, and 98% of engineering apprentices were men, receiving £189 per week. People with disabilities are three times as likely to have no qualifications compared to those without. Two thirds of lesbian, gay and bisexual students, nationally, report being bullied. In the 2010 election, 27 out of 650 people elected to the UK Parliament were ethnic minorities Source: Statistical First Release 2007/8 and DIUS Apprentice Pay Survey 2007 All other stats from European Human Rights Commission
Your role ! Be willing to challenge discriminatory behaviour and practices Know how to report and document discriminatory incidents Make sure you are aware of your rights and responsibilities under the Bury College Single Equality Scheme Value diversity Be committed to fair employment opportunities and service provision for all
Unacceptable behaviour – Staff & Students Discrimination Prejudice Stereotyping Victimisation