Global Issues
(to) save – спасать, беречь, экономить (to) damage - повреждать, портить (to) cause - быть причиной/поводом сause – причина, повод (to) destroy - уничтожать (to) release - выпускать (to) rise – расти, подниматься (to) melt - таять (to) protect - защищать (to) absorb - поглощать (to) pollute - загрязнять (to) process - обрабатывать (to) reduce - сокращать
Match the names of disasters (1-7) with their descriptions (a-g) a rotating wind a very strong wind or storm a huge wave caused by an earthquake a long time without rain ground shaking too much water a large mass of snow e drought earthquake avalanche flood hurricane tsunami tornado g f b c a
global warming
endangered species
child labour
war poverty famine global warming endangered species pollution homelessness child labour
Some of the Global Issues Global Warming The Ozone Layer Pollution Deforestation Recycling Alternative Energy
Listen and match the speakers to the statements Listen and match the speakers to the statements. Which global issue are they talking about? Speaker 1 2 3 4 5 6 Statement D B F E C A war pollution child labour homelessness global warming endangered species
Complete the words using the clues in brackets isaster natural d______s (like floods, fires, earthquakes) p _____ n (dirty air and water) home________ (no home) po____y (no money) f_____ e (no food) global w_______ (when the air around the world becomes warmer because of pollution) w___ (fighting, using soldiers and weapons) child l_____r (the use of children to do work that should be done by adults) en_________ species (animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive) ollutio lessness vert amin arming ar abou dangered
Make a better world… PROBLEMS SOLUTIONS Not enough schools Too much pollution Not enough homes Too much poverty …. SOLUTIONS Build more schools Ban traffic Use bicycles …..