ILO Overview ILO – Brunei Consultation 11 May 2011 Brunei


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Presentation transcript:

ILO Overview ILO – Brunei Consultation 11 May 2011 Brunei Wolfgang Schiefer Head, Regional Unit for Partnerships Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific International Labour Organization (ILO) Tel: (+66) 02 288 2305 Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015

Content The ILO Decent Work Concept ILO Asia - Pacific Regional Priorities ILO Organizational Reform and Field Structure Decent Work Country Programmes South-South Partnerships

Decent Work – A Definition Advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of: freedom, equity, security, and human dignity.

DECENT WORK AGENDA Four inseparable, interrelated and mutually supportive strategic objectives Employment Creation and Enterprise Development Standards and Rights at Work Governance and Social Dialogue Social Protection Gender equality and non-discrimination as cross-cutting issues 4 4

Decent Work 1. Employment Employment policies and economic analysis > Including youth employment Job creation and enterprise development SME policies and programmes Cooperatives Microfinance Corporate social responsibility Skills and vocational training > Including disability issues at work

Decent Work 2. Social Protection Extending coverage of social security schemes > Including protection in the informal economy Improvement of employment & working conditions > Including wages and minimum wage issues Occupational safety and health – safe work Safe, informed and well managed migration HIV/AIDS prevention and services at the workplace

Decent Work 3. Standards and Rights System of: CONVENTIONS (binding once ratified; > 100 active)‏ RECOMMENDATIONS (non-binding guidance) and CODES of PRACTICE, covering a wide range of labour and employment issues  1998 ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work: - Freedom of Association & the right to collective bargaining; - Elimination of child labour; - Elimination of forced labour; - Elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

Decent Work 4. Social Dialogue Strengthening tripartite institutions Strengthening the social partners – workers’ and employers’ organisations Knowledge sharing & capacity building for better representation and voice in decision making on decent work Greater representation for trade unions and employers’ organisations in global debate

Decent Work and ILO AP Regional Priorities Asian DW decade 2006 – 2015 priority clusters: 1. Increasing competitiveness, productivity and jobs 2. Improving labour market governance 3. Extending social protection 4. Eliminating child labour, creating opportunities for young people 5. Improved management of labour migration APRM will review the progress and strategic direction GJP as a tool for productive recovery and growthproductive centred on investments, employment and social protection 9

ILO Organizational Reform Operational Principles Concentrate on critical mass of technical expertise Stronger ILO presence in countries New role of external offices Streamline regional and HQS roles and HQS technical sectors Mobilize ILO capacity in a flexible and time-bound manner 10

ILO ROAP Organizational Reform New Field Office Structure Regional Office (BKK) - Political, strategic and management decisions - Policies and programmes coordination (including Partnerships) - Implementation oversight Country Offices (11 for 33 member States) - Assist Members and support constituents to develop DWCP and activities - UNDAF and UN cooperation Decent Work and Technical Support Teams (BKK, Delhi) - High-quality technical support to COs, information, analysis - Implementation support to DWCPs 11

ILO Structure and Programme Main Features in AP More and better DWCPs in the region (18+ countries) Integrated outcome-based workplanning central in guiding Country Offices and Decent Work Teams Improved implementation monitoring and targeting Homogenous distribution across sectors Improved Capacity to Deliver 12

A tool to promote Decent Work for All at the country level What is a DWCP? A tool to promote Decent Work for All at the country level A limited number of results-based decent work Country Programme outcomes A link between the priorities of: the constituents, the national development agenda (iii) the ILO mandate This session will cover What DWCPs are How they are different from the ILO’s former approach in countries The six steps in developing a national DWCP Some considerations as a DWCP takes shape Along the way, need to underline that beyond the six step structure of a DWCP and some core principles there is no standard model that works identically in every member State Possible questions – participant discussion points Is anyone involved with a DWCP process now – or a Regional DWCP Support Group? Encourage them to bring in their own experiences throughout the session – especially to show the range of issues and ways of addressing them To begin . . . What is a Decent Work Country Programme? A coherent approach that integrates much of the work of the ILO and partners to further the Decent Work Agenda in a specific country A strategic plan that will often take place over a 4 to 6 year period Organized with a focus on results – defined through a limited number of Country Programme priorities and Country Program outcomes A DWCP expresses the best possible intersection between country characteristics and policies, constituent priorities and ILO objectives. A DWCP engages the ILO office and national constituents (GB297/TC/1) DWCP is not a constituent demand-driven exercise – has to centre on how best to focus efforts on decent work goals, including on standards and principles

DWCP- A country-owned process The responsibility for achieving the Decent Work goals rests with the country ILO supports constituents in achieving decent work goals ILO’s efforts will focus on a small but strategic set of elements with the greatest potential for influence ‘Decent Work’ is an objective that properly belongs to constituents in each country based on the national situation and national commitments under ILO Conventions and standards. ILO’s role is to help constituents create their own definitions of success, identify priorities and support them in creating strategies to achieve desired decent work outcomes For example, if India and the constituents in that country agree that better workplace safety and health standards must be an objectives, they are likely to marshal their own (very large) budgets and expertise to achieve this. That will also mean the use of ILO resources in those places most likely to lead to success The ILO office director responsible for a country is also the DWCP manager for that country- S/he is accountable to the ILO for achievement of ILO outcomes Possible questions – participant discussion points If DWCPs are in place, any examples of improved constituent commitment to getting results to date?

DWCP- a tripartite process Workers’ perspectives Employers’ perspectives ILO mandate and capacity + + DWCP Government’s (various ministries) perspectives Ideal DWCP Whose perspectives are in the DWCP? Ideally the perspectives of all constituents – with all constituents coming together to identify ambitious Country Programme priorities that would move the Decent Work Agenda furthest, given their national situation Looking for much more than the lowest common denominator Also necessary to ensure that ILO global commitments are present, which are indicated by the two small boxes with + signs in them To get to that point, it may be necessary to strengthen constituent capacity and provide support to move the process forward – many ways of proceeding A consensus on ambitious, results-oriented strategies designed to achieve compelling outcomes is best However, if a consensus is not possible – no constituent has a veto either Will come back to the priority-setting process later Possible questions – participant discussion points Will come back to this part of the process later

DWCP- six steps So, DWCPs are important in guiding ILO actions and resource use – important in terms of ILO work with the rest of the UN system in a particular country – and an opportunity for constituents to guide ILO and UN system activities in their countries Now, we will turn to the actual process of preparing a DWCP – as you can see there are six steps Constituents’ involvement is important at all stages of the process How a DWCP process begins depends significantly on the situation in a member State. Sometimes ILO staff raise constituent awareness about DWCPs Constituents themselves may seek out ILO support for the development of a DWCP. Employers’ and workers’ relations specialists in ILO are important – can support workers’ and employers’ organizations to gain the capacity to participate effectively.

ILO DWCP Lessons Learned - Sequenced approach 1. Country Analysis on DW situation and gaps 2. DW sensitization: CEB Toolkit on Employment and DW 3. Separate priority setting of constituents 4. Joint priority setting of constituents 5. DW programming Importance of capacity building: process and RBM Sound LMI is key Build partnerships in time for implementation 17

Partnerships Long-term partnerships with Asia-Pacific countries in Asia-Pacific under MOU agreements (AusAID, Japan, Korea) Institutional Partnerships (ADB, ASEAN, ESCAP, UNDP) Public private partnerships South-South and Triangular Cooperation (part of ILO’s strategy to promote cooperation in the region)

South-South Cooperation Can help in institution and capacity building Exchange of knowledge, skills and technical expertise Supports intraregional and interregional cooperation >”Solutions are where the problem are”

South-South Cooperation Asia-Pacific Key instrument in promoting the Decent Work Agenda in Asia-Pacific Part of the ILO’s strategy to promote partnerships between countries in the region Triangular cooperation: cooperation among two or more developing countries, supported by developed countries or an international organization Conducive environment: - MICs in the Asia-Pacific region, - Rapid economic growth in the region, - integration processes (ASEAN). Recent Global South-South Development Expo 2010 (hosted by the ILO in Geneva) The Decent Work Agenda and South-South Cooperation are critical for sustainable and inclusive growth in LDCs and helping them achieve their MDGs 20

Thank you For more information, please contact: Wolfgang SCHIEFER ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE 2006-2015 Decent Work for All Thank you For more information, please contact: Wolfgang SCHIEFER ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Tel: 662 288 2305, Fax: 662 288 3062 E-mail: 21