Body Image #itaffectsmentoo
Body Image What is body image? What affects one’s body image? Reference: Pixabay. (2016). Superhero Photos. Retrieved from:
#itaffectsmentoo What does body Image mean for boys/men? Reference: Pixabay. (2014). Group of Men Image. Retrieved from:
Group Work In small groups discuss the following: What are some things that you as boys/men feel pressured to: Be Have Look Like Divide the class into small groups. Provide them with the handout (Found on the website with the PPT presentation or internally @MLHU here: S:\HL\CY\YAT\HL280 HealthySchoolsProgram\HEALTH TOPICS\Body Image & Eating Disorders\Body Image\!2017_YAT Presentation\!FinalPresentations_Documents for Website ). Give the students 5-10min to discuss amongst themselves. Have willing students share there lists – Have a class discussion based on their responses. Examples: Big muscles Six pack Well endowed Lots of money Hot girl friend References: Pixabay. (2012). Male Symbol. Retrieved from:
Videos Let’s take a few minutes to watch some videos. After each video write down one word to describe how the video made you feel or what you thought about while it played.
Videos Video 1: Show the videos back to back with no discussion in between. (Approximately 24min) Following the videos move forward to the next slide for discussion questions. References: The Representation Project. (2013). The Mask You Live In – Trailer. Available From: ** (3:09) Today. (2016). Matt McGorry: Men Face Their Own Pressures With Body Image. Available from: ** (2:09) Old Spice. (2010). Old Spice The Man Your Man Could Smell Like. Available from: ** (0:32) Soul Pancake. (2015). Self Esteem and Body Image That’s What He Said. Available from: ** (7:32) BuzzFeedVideo. (2016). The Try Guys Get Photoshopped With Men’s Ideal Body Types. Available from: **(11min)
#itaffectsmentoo What did you think of those videos? How do you feel about the pressures and demands on boys/men? What can we do to elevate the pressures felt?
Girls/Women What does body image mean for girls/women? References: Pixabay. (2016). Photo of Barbies. Retrieved from:
Group Work In small groups discuss the following: What are some things that you think girls/women feel pressured to: Be Have Look Like Have students return to their original groups of 5-6 and complete the other side of the work sheet used in the above group work session. Possible answers: Skinny Big Boobs Smart Funny Nice hair Nice Nails References: Pixabay. (2017). Female Emblem. Retrieved from:
Videos Video 1: Watch both videos without discussion between them. (Approx. 13min) References: Dove US. (2013). Dove Real Beauty Sketches, You’re more beautiful than you think (3mins) [Video file]. Retrieved from: Marleine Daoud. (2012). Miss Representation Trailer [Video file]. Retrieved from: Pixabay. (2016). Play Button [Image]. Retrieved from:
Girls/Women How do you feel about these pressures and demands on girls/women? What can you do to help relieve these pressures that your classmates and female friends feel? Do you think body image is a bigger concern for men or for women? Why?
Final Thoughts Pixabay. (2015). Recycle [Image]. Retrieved from: