And I don’t mean for you big ‘ol babies! Nursery Production And I don’t mean for you big ‘ol babies!
What is Nursery Production? The growing of plants in controlled environments (or nurseries). Nurseries are places where plants, shrubs, and ornamental trees are grown for transplanting into landscape areas.
Growing Nursery Stock Field Grown Container Grown Types of Plants Planting Techniques Maintenance Selling $$$$
Types of Plants in Nurseries Ground covers Trees Christmas Trees Shrubs Perennials Ornamental Grasses
Field Grown vs. Container
Field Grown Production This is being replaced by container grown plants There is more shock to plants Plants are not easy to move Plants are not all in the exact same media and must be treated differently pH, diseases, and fertility is difficult to control Less Dynamic Less labor Less start-up cost
Container Grown Plants Less shock to plants Easy to move Retailers can keep plants for a long time Insects, diseases, and fertility is easier to control Greater return per acre
Fewer Diseases
Retailers Can Keep Longer
Container Grown Plants There are some disadvantages Requires more water Can become pot-bound (root growth is limited) Requires winter protection Higher start up cost More management
More Water
Pot -bound
Winter Protection
Field Grown vs. Container Types of plants grown in containers vary from ground covers to trees Proper selection of containers should include several considerations such as Cost Durability Appearance Insulation value to plant roots Shape Drainage Size (1 quart-100 gallon)
Potting Nursery Plants
Growing Mixes (media) Should provide adequate drainage Should provide aeration Nursery production often involves unique media materials: Sand Bark Peanut shells or other organic materials
Nursery Media