Unit 4 Basic Video Segment Production 4-5 “Fair Use, Public Domain, and Open Source”
Copyright © Copyright… What is it? What Does it Mean? Right of authors to control the use of their work or creation Why is it Needed? Creators get to protect their work Get credit they deserve Promote Creativity and Learning Copyright ©
What is “FAIR USE?” Exceptions to Copyright Law? Obtaining Permission Citing Sources “Fair Use” Doctrine copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work Defense against a claim of Copyright Infringement What is “FAIR USE?”
Transformative what??? What is “transformative use?” Who knows? Legal mumbo-jumbo! Judges did not want to limit “Fair Use’s” definition MOST “Fair Use claims fall under 2 headings… Commentary and Criticism Parody Transformative what???
Commentary & Criticism It’s “Fair Use if… You are commenting upon or critiquing a copyrighted work You are allowed to copy some of the original to better illustrate your critique Idea behind it is.. The public reaps benefits from your review, which is enhanced by including some of the copyrighted material Examples quoting a few lines from a Bruno Mars song in a music review summarizing and quoting from a medical article on prostate cancer in a news report copying a few paragraphs from a news article for use by a teacher or student in a lesson, or copying a portion of a Sports Illustrated magazine article for use in a related court case Commentary & Criticism
Parody What is it? It’s “Fair Use Cuz… Examples a work that ridicules another, usually well-known work, by imitating it in a comic way It’s “Fair Use Cuz… parody demands some taking from the original work being parodied Cant make people laugh about it if they can’t see what you’re talking about Examples Auto-Tunes Mocking Etc. Parody
Types of Licensing 3 Different Types Public Domain What is it? Open Source Royalty-Free Types of Licensing Public Domain What is it? What happens when a owner or creator of an original work allows free use of it Works that are made publically available. Can be used in any way, shape, or form
Types of Licensing Open Source Royalty Free What is it? access to the end product's source materials grants permission to copy, distribute and/or modify a work Types of Licensing Royalty Free What does it mean? copyright license where the user has the one-time right to use the photo without restrictions
FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites Music/Audio Creative Commons Audio http://creativecommons.org/audio Download.com http://music.download.com Free Play http://www.freeplaymusic.com The Freesound Project http://freesound.iua.upf.edu Ghost Note http://ghostnotes.blogspot.com Magna Tune http://www.magnatune.com Opsound http://www.opsound.org Partners in Rhyme http://www.partnersinrhyme.com Creative Commons legally downloaded music for educational applications www.creativecommons.org FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites
FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites Sound Effects Sources FindSounds. Downloadable sounds for a fee; however, a 15-day trial www.findsounds.com Partners in Rhyme. Many free audio files but the clips are only a few www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/PIRsfx.html Nature Songs. Lots of free nature sounds www.naturesongs.com American Rhetoric. A plethora of speeches-not downloadable, but video-streamed www.americanrhetoric.com FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites
FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites Graphics Sources BigFoto http://www.bigfoto.com Creative Commons Images http://creativecommons.org/image Dreamstime http://www.dreamstime.com/freephotos Free Images http://www.freeimages.com/photos Open Photo http://openphoto.net Flickr. Thousands of photographs to download www.flickr.com Browse by category or keyword more than 350,000 quality stock photos www.Stock.xchng Foto Search. Royalty-free images www.sxc.hu www.fotosearch.com/photos- images/banaszewski.html Free Foto. Largest collection of free photographs for noncommercial use www.freefoto.com FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites
FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites General Search Creative Commons Search http://search.creativecommons.org http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Pa ge FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites
FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites Video clips A digital video-on-demand and online teaching service from Discovery education that offers downloadable videos during a free 30-day trials: www.unitedstreaming.com List of all free video downloads available from iTunes: www.itsfreedownloads.com Free online video streaming service: www.youtube.com Free streaming and downloadable video segments from the PBS series Religion & Ethics Newsweekly: www.thirteen.org/edonline/acce ssislam/video.html Free streaming and downloadable video segments from the PBS series Wide Angle: www.thirteen.org/edonline/wideangle/video_ bank.html Photos, music, text, and video that can be legally shared and reused for free: http://search.creativecommons.org Welcome to the Archive's Moving Images library of free movies, films, and videos: http://www.archive.org/details/movies FREE & LEGAL Resource Sites