Food Labels 101
Product Specific Information PART 1 Product Specific Information PART 2 FOOTNOTE
Look at how many serving are in the package START At the TOP Look at how many serving are in the package Determine how much you eat. ALL LABEL information in based on ONE serving
Video on portions sizes and comparing them to familiar items
Calorie Information Calories provide energy. The number of calories you consume is determined by the portion size you eat. How many calories would you consume if you ate a portion that equaled the entire package?
Limit These Nutrients Health experts recommend you keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol as low.
Get Enough of These Nutrients Eating enough of these can improve your health and help reduce the risk of some diseases.
Understanding the FOOTNOTE * On DV refers you to Footnote. % DV on label is based on a 2000 calorie diet. Which two nutrients have the same DV in both calorie amounts? Footnote not on all packages. Information always stays the same. Use as a reference-how much you need may be different depending on you calorie needs.
% DV Source for a Nutrient Low is 5% High is 20%
3Nutrients that do not have %DV listed on Label Trans Fat Sugars Protein
The percent would increase If your diet consists of 1600 calories , how does the %DV change for you? The percent would increase
An easy way to convert %DV for calcium into milligrams. Just add a zero. Example would be if the calcium is 20% then there would be 200 milligrams.
How much calcium is recommended each day in milligrams? 1300