Pupil eSafety Survey Results
How old are you? Average Age 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 21 5.4% 12 years 115 29.7% 13 years 101 26.1% 14 years 63 16.3% 15 years 85 22.0% 16 years 1 0.3% Blank 0%
How do you access the internet? Mobile or Tablet 362 94% My Own Computer 162 42% Shared Computer 104 27% Console 138 36% Friends' Houses 26 7%
How long do you spend on the computer/access the internet on a weekday? more than 4 hours 40% 3-4 hours 24% 1-2 hours less than an hour 12% none 1%
How long do you spend on the computer/access the internet at the weekend? more than 4 hours 48% 3-4 hours 23% 1-2 hours 16% less than an hour 9%
Do you talk to your parents about what you do online? Regularly 72 19% Occasionally 203 52% Never 104 27% No Response 8 2%
Which of the following do you use regularly? YouTube 107 28% Facebook 19 5% Instagram 62 16% Snapchat 161 42% Twitter 3 1% Online gaming sites 11 3% Twitch 0% Yik Yak 1 Chat sites News or other entertainment sites Skype 9 2% Musical.ly What's App 2 None 14 4%
What do you think is the biggest threat when you go online? Being bullied by people I know 75 19% Being hacked 238 61% Coming across inappropriate images or other content 69 18% Unwanted approaches by people I don't know 87 22% Being sent inappropriate images 84 Someone sharing photos of me without my permission 113 29% Someone impersonating me 65 17%
Have you or anyone had a bad experience on the internet? Yes, me 67 17% Yes, someone I know 125 32% No 193 50% No response 2 1%
If you did feel unsafe on the online where would you go? Friend 83 21% Parent/Guardian 248 64% Teacher 3 1% Police 27 7% Community leader 0% Helpline 9 2% No one 4 Sister 1 Nan Brother Church No response 17 4%
Have you ever shared any of the following information online with someone you don’t know in real life? Name 227 59% Age 123 32% Email address 18 5% Mobile phone number 26 7% Where I go to school 36 9% Photos of myself 73 19%
Where possible are your social media accounts set to private or friends only? Yes 280 72% No 97 25% No response 10 3%
Have you ever opened a social media account or filled in an online form without your parents' consent? Yes 172 44% No 206 53% No response 9 2%
If you have a computer at home, does it have anti-virus software installed? Yes 224 58% No 25 6% Don't know 134 35% No response 4 1%
If you have a computer at home, does it have anti-virus software installed? Yes 224 58% No 25 6% Don't know 134 35% No response 4 1%