Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning
CPRE Oxfordshire promotes the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of the Oxfordshire landscape. Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils advises and trains town and parish councils and parish meetings to enable them to work with partners to serve their community.
Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning (SCNP) programme DCLG initiative offering communities a supportive boost to help make their neighbourhood vision a reality New powers introduced in the Localism Bill give local people a real voice to shape development in their area through a neighbourhood plan. To ensure communities have the right support and advice to meet their own aspirations, the SCNP programme will provide assistance to local groups developing neighbourhood plans.
SCNP deliverers 4 delivery partners: Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) working in partnership with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) Princes Foundation, Locality and RTPI/Planning Aid We will be drawing on the strength and experience of CPRE’s and NALC’s network of county associations, branches and parish councils to help enable local communities to better understand and participate in the planning system
About NALC and CPRE NALC – The National Association of Local Councils Representative body for 9,000 ‘local’ town and parish councils throughout England Responsible for over 80,000 independently elected councillors As a network, Local Councils employ over 25,000 staff with an expenditure in excess of £500m Around 16 million people live in areas served by a Local Council nationwide This represents up to 30% of the population CPRE – The Campaign to Protect Rural England One of the largest environmental charities in the UK Renowned for the organisation’s expertise in the field of planning Instrumental in the development of the original 1947 Town and Country Planning Act and the final form of the recent NPPF Has a branch in every county with 200 local groups and over 60,000 members
SCNP Programme extension Extension of funding from DCLG from August 2012 – March 2013 2 core delivery pathways with focus on neighbourhood planning: Workshops: Neighbourhood Plans – getting started We will be running a number of neighbourhood planning workshops to help those communities that want to develop a Neighbourhood Plan get started. Tailored neighbourhood planning support Communities that have decided to deliver a Neighbourhood Plan can apply for tailored support to help them turn their aspirations into reality. Details of the tailored support package and application are available on the Planning Help website.
Advice General advice Website - – offers advice to enable greater involvement in planning decisions that shape where you live Planning Hotline – 020 7981 2868 (available Thursdays 1.30-3.30pm) Publications – 3 publications published offering advice and guidance on planning How to respond to planning applications – an 8-step guide Planning Explained How to shape where you live: a guide to Neighbourhood Planning E-learning modules–all publications adapted into online training courses using ‘real world’ scenarios Available now at