Creating a Positive Learning Environment MELS 601 Ch. 5 Creating a Positive Learning Environment
We have to assure these children that while they are with us they are safe and will be treated well. For some that may be all we can do but we must do that. We may not be able to control what goes on in any child’s life before or after school. But here they will not be abused and they will be treated fairly. And they will be protected and they will be respected. And we’re going to help them learn how life can be. Karon Rilling
Creating a Positive Learning Climate Positive Student Control The School as a Culture The Development of a Positive Program Five Premises about the School Environment and Students It All Starts in the Classroom Developing Good Rules Smallness Is Good: Developing Learning Communities Other Factors Influencing Behavior
Creating a Positive Learning Climate Violence and Disorder Keeping It a fair Playing Field Gangs The School as a Safe Haven
Creating a Positive Learning Climate The Counseling Program Advisor/Advisee Systems Organizing Counseling Activities Establishing a Good Advisement Program The Role of the Guidance Counselor Student Services Student Referral System Principal’s Role in Coordination and Articulation