Developing Assessment Practice an Inclusive Audit
A workshop designed to Discuss the basics of inclusive assessment Introduce the assessment audit tool Apply the audit to a sample assessment Share ideas on good practice Play with Canvas and several engagement tools.
Poll 1 When you hear Inclusive Assessment, what words come to mind? We’ll post using Padlet:
Our Guiding Principle “By its very nature, good assessment practice leads to an inclusive experience and to fewer individual accommodations.”
Conversely “Poor practice is very unlikely to be inclusive.”
Inclusive Assessment = Accessible Assessment? Yes and No Assessment practice should follow accessibility guidelines. It is however more than the sum of its parts and should also incorporate the many facets of inclusive learning and teaching.
What is meant by inclusive assessment within the sector?
Anglia Assessment Album, etc
A little help from our friends (1) What features makes an assessment activity inclusive? Constructive alignment between learning and assessment activity Range and balance of assessment types / formats Pre-assessment activities Progression and practice / staged tasks Strategic weighting Limited choice of assessment methods Good scheduling Avoidance of over-assessment Plymouth is a recognised leader in the sector for their work on inclusive assessment. Our audit was influenced by their published research in the area. Here is our response to this question
ARU Inclusive Learning & Teaching In 2016, we developed a number of supporting resources A checklist to gauge and refine teaching practice A series of workshops A VLE site with work-through exercises A dedicated webpage
The moment you’ve all been waiting for: the Assessment Design Audit Tool
Audit the Assessment Brief Please use the audit tool to critique the Sample Assessment Brief document. Make as many suggestions, changes, and tweaks as you like.
Group Activity: Fixing the Brief Report observations; areas to be addressed; quick fixes; more long-term fixes, etc. Please go back to Padlet:
A little help from our friends (2): University of Wolverhampton Writing a good assessment/assignment brief: Research shows that attainment levels can be associated with the quality of the assignment brief; students report that unclear and unwieldy briefs produce learner anxiety; students spend days trying to decode the brief rather than getting down to the assignment.
Top tips (cont) We have taken the following characteristics of a good assignment brief from a selection of well-written ones: Fit for the level: be clear that the tasks set align with the module level Clarity: unambiguous sentences and direct communication. This is especially important for international students Option-economic: if you are giving students choices, keep them at a minimum Helpful, warm tone: avoid officious language and negative instructions (e.g. you may NOT…) Task economic: make the assignment appropriately manageable; avoid asking for lots of different things Logical structure: relate the brief to the aims and outcomes of the module Brief briefs: short and to the point Timely: give students as much time as possible to prepare for the assignment From University of Wolverhampton How to Guides
Any additions? Consider your own top assessment tips (regarding briefs, tasks, etc): Please write them on your post-it note and we'll add them to a whiteboard at Or you can add them directly by going to the URL we'll provide.
The Finale Please tell what you think about its ease / difficulty / practicality of use? Any feedback along these lines is really useful. Please use to report your feedback:
Anglia Learning and Teaching Inspiring Academic Excellence Contact Anglia Learning and Teaching Call: 0845 271 2639 Email: Web: Author(s): Drs Linda Brown, Julian Priddle and James Trueman Version: 0617 Anglia Ruskin University, 2017 Any part of this presentation may be reproduced without permission but with attribution to Anglia Learning and Teaching and the author(s) CC-BY-SA (share alike with attribution) Inclusive Assessment June 2017