2017 HMIS Data Standard Changes


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Presentation transcript:

2017 HMIS Data Standard Changes Impact on Runaway & Homeless Youth Providers Presented By Shanna Cherubini scherubini@mihomeless.org

Agenda Resources Data Element Revisions Workflow Revisions (ACF-FYSB Projects Only) Provider Page Revisions Implementation Timeline/Next Steps RHY Fall Data Export

Resources MCAH Website Michigan – http://mihomeless.org/ North Carolina – http://nchmis.org/ HUD Exchange https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/3824/hmis-data-dictionary/ 2017 HMIS Data Manual 2017 RHY Program HMIS Manual (Coming Soon)

Data Element Revisions Gender: Revised response values Trans Female (MTF) Trans Male (FTM) Gender Non-Conforming (i.e. not exclusively male or female) Living Situation: Revised response values Permanent Housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons Rental by client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy Living situation responses updated to better address rapid rehousing projects. Project(s): SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Intake

Data Element Revisions Destination: Revised response values “Permanent Housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons. “Rental by client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy” Disability Subassessment: Retired follow-up response values Documentation of disability and severity (RETIRED) Currently receiving services (RETIRED) Destination responses updated to better address rapid rehousing projects. Disability subassessment – Old follow-up questions showed up in the subassessment assessment when you selected “yes” for any of the specific disability types (physical, mental health, etc). Project(s): SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH and Demo Assessment(s) : (Destination) Exit (Disability) Intake, Update and Exit

Project(s): SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH and Demo Data Element Revisions Commercial Sexual Exploitation/Labor Exploitation (Trafficking) Now collected at Exit Last Grade Complete/School Status/ Employment Status Now collected at Intake AND Exit Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Labor Exploitation questions moved from intake to exit assessment to allow time for staff to built a rapport with before having to ask such intrusive questions. Project(s): SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH and Demo

Data Element Revisions Housing Status Retired per the 2017 HUD Data Standards Still REQUIRED in Michigan and North Carolina for reporting purposes. Only collect at Intake (Project Start) - - Do NOT update at exit. Key data element used homeless reports created by MCAH Family Reunification Achieved ACF-FYSB Projects – RETIRED Michigan HYR Projects – Still required Project(s): SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH and Demo Assessment(s) : Intake

Data Element Revisions Income: Minor Correction Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) NonCash Benefits: Retired response values Section 8, Public Housing or Rental Assistance (RETIRED) Temporary Rental Assistance Subsidies (RETIRED) Project(s): TLP, MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Intake, Update and Exit

Data Element Revisions Referral Source: Streamlined Response Values Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Intake

Data Element Revisions Family Critical Issues: Streamlined Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Intake

Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Data Element Revisions Counseling: NEW Questions Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Exit

Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Data Elements Revisions Safe and Appropriate Exit: NEW Questions Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Exit

Project(s): BCC Shelters, TLP, MGH and Demo Data Elements Revisions Project Completion Status Dependent question – “If left early, select the major reason…” (RETIRED) Project(s): BCC Shelters, TLP, MGH and Demo Assessment(s): Exit

Data Elements Revisions ACF-FYSB Projects Only BCP Status Reworded “FYSB Youth” to “Youth Eligible for RHY Services” If yes, runaway youth (NEW) Only one RHY status date and eligibility response is allowed for each project stay. If a client returns to the project at a later date, the previous data does not apply and must be entered based on the new project start and project exit dates. Youth who are not eligible for RHY Services are also not homeless under the HUD definition of homelessness. There, these youths should be excluded from all PIT/HIC reporting on the project. Data on youth marked ‘ineligible’ does transmit in the RHY export, but is filtered out in analysis. Project(s): BCC Data Collection Point: Intake

Data Element/Workflow Revisions ACF-FYSB Projects Only Aftercare Streamlined Response Values Now Collected on Post Exit (NEW Data Collection Stage) Information may be entered post exit for a period of up to 180 days. Project(s): BCC, TLP MGH and Demo Data Collection Point: Post Exit

Workflow Revisions ACF-FYSB Projects Only Referral Provided (RETIRED) RHY projects are no longer required to track referrals provided – applies to all projects (SOP, BCC, TLP, MGH). Services Provided Street Outreach Projects are no longer required to track services provided. Service list streamlined for all other projects RHY specific service list reduced from 25 items to 15 items

Workflow Revisions ACF-FYSB Projects Only

Provider Page Revisions Operating Year Start/End Date (NEW) Enables the activation and de-activation of a project. Required for reporting Start = First day the project provided (or will provide) services/housing. End = Last day services are provided Leave blank if project is expected to continue operating. Operating start date should reflect the first day on which a project provided (or will provide) services and/or housing. For projects that began operating prior to 10/1/2012, the start date may be estimated if it is not known. Projects that are fully funded but have not yet begun operating may be entered with a future project start date that reflects the date the project will begin providing services. Operating end date should reflect the last day on which the project provided or is expected to provide services and/or housing. It may be a date in the future; it may also be blank if the project is expected to continue operating indefinitely.

Provider Page Revisions Bed and Unit Inventory New requirement to associate each inventory record with a CoC Code Removal of Youth Bed Age Categories. New Federal Funding Sources: New Federal Funding Sources Added HUD: CoC – Youth Homeless Demonstration Program (YHDP) CoC Code has been added to clarify that the inventory is specific to the continuum in which it is located; for projects that operate in multiple CoCs, the new field makes it possible to capture a bed inventory separately for each area.

Provider Page Revisions Additional Project Information CoC Code Geocode Target Population – DV, HIV, N/A Victim Service Provider – yes/no Project Zip code Geography Code – Urban, Suburban, Rural Housing Type – Site-based (Single), Site-based cluster (multiple sites), Tenant-based - scattered site. Project Street Address, City and State Will be used to help facilitate generation of HIC and AHAR Data. Relevant fields from 2.8 Site Information and 2.9 Target Population have been combined into a single data element. ‘Optional status was removed’ as this element will be required for AHAR beginning October 1, 2018. Geocode, Zip and Address should reflect the location of the project’s principle site or, for multiple site projects, the location in which the majority of the project’s clients are housed. Tenant-based scattered site projects are only required to complete the Geocode and Zip fields and may use the administrative address if they wish to complete the remainder of the address fields.

Provider Page Revisions ACF-FYSB Projects Only Service Quicklist Referral Post Exit – Aftercare Assessment Assessment/Visibility

Implementation Timeline Task Date Revised HMIS paper assessments released By September 20th Revised workflows/job aids released By October 1st 2017 HUD Data Standards Implemented -HMIS electronic assessments revised -New provider page elements available MCAH Audit of Youth Provider Pages to ensure 2017 HUD Data Standard Compliance. Agencies must have all provider page updates completed before audit date. October 23rd RHY Training Videos and certification quizzes updated to reflect new 2017 Data Standards TBD

Next Steps Beginning October 1, 2017 - - Use new paper assessments, workflow documents and job aids provided by MCAH Update all provider pages to incorporate the 2017 Data Standard Changes Contact Local HMIS System Administrator for assistance Collect new data elements for all clients who are open on or after October 1st

ACF-FYSB Projects Only RHY Fall Export ACF-FYSB Projects Only Fall Submission Dates: 11/1/2017-11/22/2017 (tentative) Report Timeframe: 10/1/2016 to 09/30/2017 New grantees will receive login and password information from AIR the week before the submission period.

15851 S Old US 27 Bldg 30 Suite 315 Lansing, MI 48906  (517) 485-6536 Any Questions? THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING Shanna Cherubini (517) 853-3889 http://www.mihomeless.org 15851 S Old US 27 Bldg 30 Suite 315 Lansing, MI 48906  (517) 485-6536