The Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program An Introduction to The Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program
Since the beginning of professional adult education in Virginia, it has been accepted that our field was a small niche, tangentially related to the larger K-12 environment. As such, it was assumed that for important elements of accountability and professionalism, we could simply abide by K-12 standards, regardless of direct relevance.
At the beginning of the 21st Century, adult education in Virginia had grown and matured to the extent that we formally acknowledged our differences from the K-12 environment and began the path to support our own standards for accountability and professionalism toward continuous program improvement. The Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program -- launched in 2009 -- was a primary step towards this goal, confirmed by the Virginia Department of Education, Office of Adult Education and Literacy in their 2012-2017 Strategic Plan.
Four Strands of VAECP ESOL Instructors Support Staff Program Managers The scope and purpose of the Virginia Adult Educators Certificate Program is professional development that addresses the specific training needs of individual participants in support of continuous program improvement. A particular goal for the Certification Program is to promote statewide professionalism in the field of adult education, creating a standard platform of knowledge that all certification recipients will achieve. As you pursue certification, we hope that you will benefit not only from new insights gained from course content, but also from focused interaction with your peers, the opportunity to take on the role of a ‘learner’ in an online environment, and the formal opportunity to reflect upon your practice. Upon completion of each level of certification, you will receive a pin. Wearing this pin signifies your commitment to professional quality in your classroom. ABE/GED Instructors
Face-to-Face Sessions Separate For ABE/GED instructors, ESOL instructors, and program managers, two levels of certification CLICK are offered through the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center. In the face-to-face environment, each level of ABE/GED and ESOL training consists of three sessions plus a self-selected workshop. CLICK The training sessions are day-long workshops addressing specific components of the profession, culminating in afterwork CLICK designed for participants to put what they have learned into practice. For ABE/GED Level I, Sessions 1 and 2, the afterwork assignments are a series of prompts designed to promote reflective practice. For Level I, Session 3, the afterwork consists of an action plan and a reflective piece, the Certification Action Plan Results CLICK – referred to as the CAPR - asking participants to prepare a lesson using information from the session, conduct the lesson, and then reflect on its outcomes.
Online Sessions Continuous / Level Afterwork Self-selected Workshop Session 2 Afterwork Date Attended _____________ CAPR due _____________ Session 3 Action Plan Now, learners beginning the ABE/GED Instructor will pursue Level One certification in an online environment. Level One of the ESOL Instructor strand online is also being developed, and level two and additional strands will follow. The VAECP Online was developed in response to requests by teachers and program managers when: demand in their area did not reach required numbers to support face-to-face training and timely completion of a level became difficult to achieve with three separate sessions As shown with the change in red arrow direction, in the online course, the three sessions of each level of ABE/GED Instructors and ESOL Instructors training, the afterwork, and the action plan are incorporated into an 8-week, highly facilitated course. The online option allows participants to complete an entire level of certification through an interactive online setting consisting of individual work, group work, formative assessment, and reflection with a cohort from various geographical and instructional perspectives. VAECP Online incorporates the content of the day-long workshops, but allows for deeper exploration of each topic over the course of week. Teachers new to the field and experienced teachers benefit from the flexibility to individualize the learning on each topic to their own level, while participating in a professional online learning community and putting what they have learned into practice As with the face-to-face sessions, upon completion of the 8 week course, participants implement a lesson developed during the course and reflect on its outcomes in the form of the CAPR.
Professionalism for Adult Educators ESOL Instructors Program Managers Support Staff The Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program -- or (VAECP) -- consists of four strands covering the range of responsibilities in our field: ABE/GED instructor, ESOL instructor, program manager, and support staff. All of the strands include coursework on the history of adult education and the adult learner. Together, these four strands provide general information beneficial to practitioners in our field. Beyond that, each strand provides specific coursework to the practitioners in that area. ABE/GED Instructors (804)828-6521 or (800)237-0178 We look forward to your participation in the VAECP and applaud your dedication to the field of adult education. For more information contact us at (804) 828-6521 or (800)237-0178.