Wider NHT Network News Simon Pinkney – m2i.


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Presentation transcript:

Wider NHT Network News Simon Pinkney – m2i

Wider NHT Network News Public Satisfaction Survey 2012 CQC / HMEP Review Annual Conference and Competition

NHT Survey 2012 participation 75 participants, up on last year (70), half of all English Highways Authorities 107 Authorities have taken part to date (including 6 Welsh Authorities) 30 authorities are taking part for the fifth year running and 55 for the last three years Peterborough and Knowsley taking part for the first time Only 2 London Boroughs (out of 33) and only 1 Greater Manchester Authority (out of 10)

NHT Survey 2012 questionnaire changes Pot Holes Two new questions have been added to assist with the HMEP’s pot hole review, Question 6a, which is a completely new question and an additional item under Q7: Q6a Still thinking about the local area, would you say that compared to a year ago there are more potholes and damaged roads, there are fewer, or has there been no change in the number?   Q7 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way the Council deals with potholes and damaged roads

NHT Survey 2012 questionnaire changes Cycling In response to the letter circulated to Council Leaders and Chief Executives by Norman Baker MP and Mike Penning MP on 29th February regarding ‘The Times Safer Cycling Campaign’, some changes have been made to the questions on cycling with the addition of the two following questions: Q8 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of these locally…? The number of cycle routes/lanes provided…….. The location of the cycle routes /lanes provided…………

NHT Survey - Pothole Review

NHT Survey - Maintenance Focus Report

NHT Survey 2012 – New Website

NHT Survey 2012 – New Website

NHT Survey 2012 – New Website

NHT Survey 2012 – New Theme Reporting

NHT & HMEP NHT Network has three HMEP Projects; NHT Survey Review CQC for Maintenance Benchmarking Sector Review (joint project with APSE) NHT is represented on the following HMEP Projects; Corporate Review Knowledge Hub

CQC for Maintenance Key Objectives To develop the CQC model with a focus on Maintenance (NHT Intends develop the CQC model as a whole) To be better able quantify the likely impacts on performance of changes in practice and policy locally To identify, document and spread good practice examples from the best performers, biggest improvers

CQC for Maintenance Key Stages To identify/develop and capture better measures of Quality and Cost To develop reporting options to focus on an analysis of changing performance over time To run the new model with a small group of Authorities using 2011 data, roll-out to be based on 2012 data. Promote the new model through workshops Project Team has been formed and has met We are adopting a model that is being piloted in SE7

CQC for Maintenance Budgetary Analysis (2)

Headline CQC Analysis (1) CQC for Maintenance Headline CQC Analysis (1)

NHT Annual Conference 9th October 2012 Usual Venue (ICE - 1 Great George St, Westminster) Theme – ‘Responding to local needs to improve outcome’ Focus – Highway Management, Efficiency, Public Satisfaction with a focus on road safety and cycling Opening Address – Norman Baker Case Studies featured Final programme to be agreed

NHT Competition Proposed subject area – ‘Engaging with the community’ .... details to be agreed and finalised this afternoon and the competition pack will be circulated shortly.