Agenda Terms of Reference – Outline of the assignment Request for Proposals – Operational procedures
Background Government of Nepal adopted GRB since FY 2007/08 and refined GRB guideline in FY 2012/13. GRB has been included in the budget preparation guidelines and software (BMIS, LMBIS, FMIS and AMIS) and resulted in budget speech and programme book. MoFALD has endorsed GRB localisation guideline in 2015. Direct GRB allocated 2017/18 is 37.4% and 2016/2017 was 23.1% (annex 13) GRB - operational at the central level GRB localization process initiated at district levels through sectoral ministries
Key Objectives Evaluate the impact of national programmes categorized as gender responsive in achieving gender equality, Establish linkages between the impacts and criteria of GRB, Identify strengths, areas for improvement and prepare list of recommendations to improve GRB programme considering sustainability and contribution towards the goal of gender equality and women empowerment, Assess the logic that underpins the Government of Nepal’s GRB programme in Nepal, Evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the GRB system in the context of advancing gender equality in Nepal and Identify the enabling and disabling factors from the political, social, economic and institutional context that will affect GRB system and practices.
Purpose of Evaluation The main purpose of this evaluation is to assess how the GRB initiative, system, procedures and programme contributed to gender equality in Nepal. Examine the GON work and UN Women Support on GRB for last nine years, and Provide findings and recommendation to assist in identifying strategies and operational approaches to strengthen GRB in Nepal.
Evaluation, Approach, Design and Methodology Evaluation Approach and Design Formative Evaluation Criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, sustainability and Impact (Ensure human rights and gender equality) Sampling Strategy Purposive in consultation with Evaluation management Group. District selection- ecological /regional /province representation 3. Management of Evaluation Evaluation Management Group (MoF, UN Women) Reference group: GRBC Committee, UN Agency and GRB Experts.
Timeframe and location Timeframe: August to November 2017 Mostly Kathmandu based but need field visits representing ecological and regional or federal structure.
Evaluation Team Team of experts with advanced knowledge and experience in evaluation, especially related to public finance and gender responsive budgeting . Core evaluation team must comprise of three full time members not exceeding four including team leader and team members (thematic experts).
Key deliverables Inception Report First and second draft of Evaluation report: Final evaluation report – Nepali and English, Power-point presentation Nepali and English and 10 pages summary report in Nepali and English Note : The selected agency is expected to incur expenses related to validation workshop prior finalizing the report. Additional reporting obligation: Progress report to be submitted to MOF and UN Women; Inception Report: evaluation methodology, detail workplan, data collection instruments, stakeholder’s analysis, roles and responsibilities of the team members and plan for study including field visits, First and second draft of Evaluation report,: Second draft report will be validated with the stakeholders in the workshop, Final evaluation report -soft and hard copy, Power-point presentation of evaluation report (used in validation workshop) and 10 pages summery report in Nepali and English – soft and hard copy
Evaluation criteria (annex-3) Preliminary Evaluation: Not in among United Nations suspended companies, Offers are signed by an authorized party, including Power of Attorney if stipulated, The offer is valid (Proposal submission form Annex-6 signed for 120 days), The offer is complete and eligible, Evidence of legal registration, Organization latest Audit Report (past 1 year), Latest tax clearance certificate and Organization Board of Directors/composition of management.
Evaluation Cumulative Analysis Methodology Technical proposal= 70% (700) Financial proposal=30% (300) Total number of points= 1000 The technical proposal Total marks =700 Pass marks =70% of 700= 490 is minimum technical threshold Follow Technical Proposal Format (Annex 4) Expertise of organization submitting proposal (200);
Evaluation Evaluation of financial proposal A formula (p=y(μ/z) should be used. Where, p=points for the financial proposal being evaluated y= maximum number of points for the financial proposal μ= price of the lowest priced proposal z= price of the proposal being evaluated The contract shall be awarded to the proposal obtaining the highest score after adding the score of technical proposal and the financial proposal. Follow Financial Proposal Format (Annex-5)
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