On a new page, miss the top two lines and list as many things as you can …that a family can do together to make them closer together.
Holy Communion (the Eucharist) To know what happened at the Last Supper To know why we celebrate the Eucharist To know what different denominations believe about transubstantiation
Before we go any further… You need to know that… Mass Eucharist Communion …are words that essentially mean the same thing and they refer to the service where Christians share bread and wine together.
Holy Communion (the Eucharist) Sub title- The Last Supper http://www.thebricktestament.com/the_life_of_jesus/the_last_supper/mt26_17.html Read the bible passage on page 8 . Question 1a Question 1b Read page 7 Why do Christians celebrate the Eucharist? What is the ministry of the word? What is the ministry of the sacrament? Answer question 2 on page 37
Holy Communion Sub title – Transubstantiation At the last supper Jesus said that the bread was his body and the wine was his blood. As Roman Catholics we take this literally and believe that in every Mass service the Priest blesses the bread and the wine and it literally becomes the body and blood of Christ. This is called Transubstantiation. Protestants disagree, they believe that Jesus only meant that the bread and the wine were like his body and blood and so are symbols. So Protestants do not believe in Transubstantiation. What is Transubstantiation and who believes in it? Why is communion important for Christians? (8) (HW) “The bread and wine don’t really become the body and blood of Christ” Do you agree? Explain your answer (3) Why would some people disagree with you? (3) Why do you think Protestants celebrate communion if they do not believe in Transubstantiation? Why do you think that Roman Catholics have more respect for their priests that Protestants have for their vicars?
Why is communion important for Christians? Because they receive the sacrifice made by Jesus It reminds us that Jesus died for us and that our sins are forgiven It reminds us that Jesus died for us and that we can go to heaven Jesus told us to do it The church are united when they do this together Receiving communion gives us new strength.