PRIVACY AND TECHNOLOGY D. Szklarek, English 101, Fall 2017
Survey on privacy Take out your phones and go to KAHOOT.IT 8d98-ba98cffd1e8b
Defining Privacy Working individually, define “Privacy,” in both sentence form and a bulleted list of related concepts and principles.
Defining PRIVACY Working in small groups (2-4), discuss your definition of “privacy.” Try to develop a consensus definition of privacy. (Hint: Look for common trends in how you define “privacy.”)
Merriam -Webster definition plural privacies 1a :the quality or state of being apart from company or observation :seclusion b :freedom from unauthorized intrusion one's right to privacy 2archaic :a place of seclusion 3a :secrecy b :a private matter :secret
Privacy International (https://www. privacyinternational Privacy International (, as of 10/2017) “Privacy is the right to control who knows what about you, and under what conditions. The right to share different things with your family, your friends and your colleagues. The right to know that your personal emails, medical records and bank details are safe and secure. Privacy is essential to human dignity and autonomy in all societies. The right to privacy is a qualified fundamental human right - meaning that if someone wants to take it away from you, they need to have a damn good reason for doing so.”
wHAT IS THE FOURTH AMENDMENT? "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." - Fourth Amendment, U.S. Constitution
dID YOU NOTICE SOMETHING? It may be obscure, but the word “privacy” appears nowhere in the Constitution, including the 4th Amendment. Yet many scholars and civil liberties groups – of all stripes – hold that the 4th Amendment is the basis for the right to privacy.
“eVERYONE IS WATCHING YOU” -nADINE sTROSSER What is Strosser’s argument? Where did you find her thesis? What evidence Strosser provide in support of her thesis? Where do you AGREE with Strosser? Where did you ARGUE (disagree) with Strosser? Does Strosser make any ASSUMPTIONS?
Making connections What are some of the connections between how Strosser discusses privacy and how Eggers discusses privacy in The Circle?
The Circle – 191-237 What is another motto of the Circle’s that Mae finds out after a brief encounter with Francis? What does Congresswoman Santos plan to do? What is Project 9 and how does Mae come to know about it? When Mae realizes that she is being watched by so many people all the time, how does she change her life?
The Circle-191-237 During dinner at her parent’s house, Mae sneaks upstairs and….. Why does Mercer say he’s worried about Mae and the rest of the world? Turn to page 259 and read Mercer’s rant against Mae and the Circle. What two problems does he express with the current situation? On page 261, Mercer addresses the weird paradox that now surrounds Mae’s life. Explain what he means. What does Mae do to unwind after her conversation with Mercer?
Homework Due wED 11/1 Read up to page 308 (The Circle).