Abstract 1.What the benefits that big data mining brings to enterprises. 2.Analysis advantages of cloud computing in this data explosion Era. 3.The defects of the traditional data mining. 4.Introduce the structure of service model of cloud computing data mining which our team designed. 5. Different layers of the service model
Significance of Data mining for companies 1.No information is useless. 2.Only a few information is useful for enterprises. Big data mining could help enterprises: ① Improve the quality of decision ② Improve risk assessment capabilities
Advantages of cloud computing 1.Definition of Cloud Computing. 2.Cloud computing big companies & Org’s choices & high performance. Education Orgs Chicago University’s Nimbus Cloud Florida Cloud 3.Advantage of Cloud computing that benefit data mining. ①Powerful storage capacity ②Powerful computing capability ③On request
Defects of traditional data mining 1. Can not satisfy the computing ability for mega data. 2. Traditional data mining tools do not support data analysis which database based on network. 3. Computing and analysis capacity are limited. 4. Not on demand.
Research process of team Analysis advantages of cloud computing in this data Explosion Era. Analysis the benefits that big data mining acting on enterprises Discuss the defects of the traditional data mining Discuss why cloud computing and data mining can be combined together Compare with Traditional data mining Design the service process of cloud computing data mining compare Discuss and hypothesis the model and structure of cloud computing data mining Google File System Hadoop Distributed File System compare
Service Structure Test Service Process Service Security Service Integration Services Process Service Platform Service Application Service Data Resource Service Basic Service
Mining result Management Application Layer Application Devices Web Pages PCs Mobile devices ………. A Application Interface User management Request Management Response Management Mining result Management
Computational resource management Platform Layer Task description Task management Algorithm management Computational resource management Data management Service combination Service management
Infrastructure Layer Physical resources Cloud interface Data Base Data base ……………. Server Server database Server
Citation Images Article Nipic, internet era, baidu.com,5/24/2011,5/3/2016 University of Florida, Logo, ufl.edu,5/3/2016 University of Chicago, Logo, uchicago.edu,5/3/2016 nic91, galaxy, nipic.com, 10/05/2014,5/3/2016 Article Vilas, Kale Suvarna. "Big data mining." Int J Comput Sci Manag Res 1.1 (2012): 12-17. Dikaiakos, Marios D., et al. "Cloud computing: Distributed internet computing for IT and scientific research." Internet Computing, IEEE 13.5 (2009): 10-13. Tsoumakas, Grigorios, and Ioannis Vlahavas. "Distributed data mining."Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining (2009). Jadeja, Yaju, and Kavan Modi. "Cloud computing-concepts, architecture and challenges. " Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technologies (ICCEET), 2012 International Conference on. IEEE, 2012.
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