Logic gates Boolean Algebra
Data structure from previous lesson A static data structure is an organization or collection of data in memory that is fixed in size. This results in the maximum size needing to be known in advance, as memory cannot be reallocated at a later point. Arrays are a prominent example of a static data structure.
Dynamic Data structure A dynamic data structure (DDS) refers to an organization or collection of data in memory that has the flexibility to grow or shrink in size, enabling a programmer to control exactly how much memory is utilized.
Mutable and immutable immutable object is an object whose state cannot be modified after it is created. This is in contrast to a mutable object, which can be modified after it is created.
Binary Tree In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two children, which are referred to as the left child and the right child.
Traversing a tree Tree traversal (also known as tree search) is a form of graph traversal and refers to the process of visiting (examining and/or updating) each node in a tree data structure, exactly once. Such traversals are classified by the order in which the nodes are visited.
In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a single logical output.
NOT: A ~A ¬A
De Morgan's laws "not (A and B)" is the same as "(not A) or (not B)" also, "not (A or B)" is the same as "(not A) and (not B)".
Karnaugh map: A diagram consisting of a rectangular array of squares each representing a different combination of the variables of a Boolean function.