Creativity & Leadership: George Washington ALP’s October 7, 2015
Agenda 1. Washington Mini Biography 2. Washington leadership qualities 3. Essay Question: What made Washington a such a good leader
Who Was George Washington??
Mini Biography of George Washington
What Do You Think Some Qualities George Washington Possessed That Made Him a Good Leader?
3 Things That Made Washington an Excellent Leader 1. Character builds credibility like nothing else 2. Take care of your people 3. Discipline is key
Character Builds Credibility Like Nothing Else Washington had such an impeccable character and it won him a lot of support before the revolution, during it as well as after it as the President of the United States. More than all the marketing gimmicks you can do for yourself about your own great leadership ability; your character is the one that speaks the loudest. A lot of people believe that great leadership is about being vocal and speaking your mind, but it is your character that really causes your name to be spread around. When you have great character, people can trust you and they want you to lead them. You don’t have to try to find followers, you attract them. So wherever you are in your life, focus on building character, because it builds your credibility like nothing else.
Take Care of Your People Washington took good care of his soldiers’ welfare during the war. It won his army and his allies over and this aided him in his future endeavors as Commander and even as President. You have to constantly watch out for your followers' welfare. The saying goes; people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care. By genuinely caring for each individual under you; you win them over to your side. They buy into you and they will choose to follow you because of your genuine care. Washington could do it during a war, and as a leader in peace time; all the more you should commit to ensuring the welfare of your team.
Discipline is Key Washington saw that the discipline of his army of key to winning the British who were superior in numbers. As a result, he produced such an excellent batch of soldiers that his allies and enemies alike marveled at. Whatever organization or team you’re building, it’s important to instill discipline because this discipline will help them perform their task with excellence. Although it is more pertinent in the military, but having discipline in an organization will bring it far ahead of any sort of competition.
Please write one paragraph about what made George Washington such a good leader?
Things you might not have known about George Washington He was 6 feet 2 inches tall & weighed 200 pounds Making him one of our biggest presidents He loved dogs He did not wear a wig He had all his teeth pulled & wore ivory false teeth because he had toothaches He has the highest rank in the US military & no one will ever outrank him! He never chopped down a cherry tree He lost more battles than he won