Gift wrapping guide SWBAT develop, understand, and apply formulas for finding the surface area of cubes, pyramids, rectangular and triangular prisms during today’s gift wrapping activity.
Assignment will be due Thursday March 23rd How you will be graded Assignment will be worth a total of 10 points. 2 points for Content (all required parts included) 2 points for Neatness 2 points for Organization 5 points for Creativity 5 points for Subject knowledge (will be completed in class Wednesday and for HW) Assignment will be due Thursday March 23rd
What it will look like: Students will be creating a guide that can be used when gift wrapping various types of 3D images! Book must have a minimum of 5-6 pages: Title Page (1) One pager per geometric shape (4) Back Page/About the Author (1, optional +1 point for creativity) Types of Geometric Shapes Guide must cover: Pyramids, Cubes, Rectangular Prisms & Triangular Prisms…
What to include (Content Requirements): Guide must contain 1 page for each of the following Geometric Shapes: Pyramids, Cubes, Rectangular Prisms & Triangular Prisms On each page you must include: Name of the 3D shape Type of shapes that construct the net Number of sides/faces per shape Area formula for each shape Surface Area Formula* (to be done in class Monday, will contribute to subject knowledge score…)
Title Page and Content Page (example) How to Wrap a Cube Mr. G’s Guide to Gift Wrapping! Total Number of Faces: 6 Types of Shapes: ???? Area Formula for each shape: ???? Surface Area Formula: ???? Name: University: Date:
How to find the Surface Area of a Cube Front Side Back Side How to wrap a Cube How to find the Surface Area of a Cube 5 km Total Number of Faces: 6 Types of Shapes: ???? Area Formula for each shape: ???? Surface Area Formula: ???? Subject Knowledge Questions: To determine how much wrapping paper we need, find the total surface area of the figure above. Show work:
What PREP will look like: Prepared – ready to transition and begin new task(s). Raise hands to ask for materials, do not shout out! Respectful – of class materials, fellow students and the space around you. Raise hands to ask questions, do not shout out! Engaged – Actively working and staying on task. Professional – following directions and working at library volume
Surface Area Practice
Gift Wrapping Guide – Gallery Walk PREP Expectations