Project “An Ideal Welfare State”
An Ideal Welfare State Basic principles Types of benefits Categories of people Medical Care Education Sources of provision
The National Health service The Welfare State The Welfare State is a system of caring for citizens of a country through a range of services. The WS operates in five main areas: education; social security; community care; health; housing. The Government National Insurance The National Health service Social security The local government Social services Housing Education Public health
Categories of citizens entitled to various benefits The disabled Get invalidity pension, receive mobility allowance to pay for transport or to buy a special vehicle. The retired Get pension, which depends on the size of salary they got The unemployed A person who is out of work for up to a year receive unemployment benefit. Families Which have very low income receive family credit Which have more than one child Students Get scholarships, no matter if they are good at studying or not
Of course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens Of course welfare state should pay benefits for its citizens. But only those who really need it should receive benefits. To my mind homeless shouldn’t get money from the state, because welfare state helps only those who cannot help themselves.
Medical Care Welfare state should pay for medical service. Hospitals should treat for free all the patients, Operations for children whose diseases are dangerous for their health should be paid by the state. Certainly plastic operations shouldn’t be free.
Education Children are the future of every country. State should take care of them. Important parts of children’s life are school and university. Every country wants to have good specialists. That’s why secondary and higher education should be free. From my point of view education should be compulsory for all kids.
On the whole most benefits are available to everybody who is entitled to them and it’s very good. In the Welfare State nobody is allowed to live in poverty. Everybody has good medical care and education regardless of their income. Without financial help, many people would have been reduced to begging.
What are sources of provision? In my opinion taxes for businessmen and millionaires should be higher. Why not to help other people who need money more? All citizens are entitled to pay taxes to support the disabled, the retired, low-income families.
As I already said there is no Ideal Welfare state nowadays As I already said there is no Ideal Welfare state nowadays. But some countries like the USA, Russia and many European countries are very close to be An Ideal Welfare State.