Lesson 2 Dairy Value Chain Feeding Dairy Cows Lesson 2 Dairy Value Chain
Play the Role of a Feed Detective! Using your sense of smell, taste and touch DESCRIBE the TMR (Total Mixed Ration). When finished, make a list of the feed components that have been combined to make this mix.
Background Terms Ration TMR Feed Roughages Feed Concentrates Use any resource in the classroom to define the following terms. Record them in your notebook: Ration TMR Feed Roughages Feed Concentrates Daily water required for a dairy cow Protein additives Mineral supplements
Check your answers. Draw a visual Check your answers. Draw a visual. Add any new information in colored pencil! Ration: a fixed allowance of total feed for an animal for one day TMR: Total Mixed Ration. Practice of weighing and blending all feedstuffs into a complete ration which provides adequate nourishment to meet the needs of dairy cows www.dustinmycoffee.blogspot.com http://agtechtalk.com/author/agtechtalk/page/3/m
Check your answers, draw a visual, and add any new information in colored pencil! Roughages: Plant-based feed sources that add fiber and bulk to the diet, including pasture forages, hays, silages. Concentrates: grains that are added to the ration. They provide energy. http://www.hayloftfarmsupplies.com/ http://mountainhay.com/
Check your answers, draw a visual, and add any new information in colored pencil! Proteins help with milk production and milk protein content Maintains cow’s body condition May include distillers grains or by-products Daily water required for a dairy cow: 25-50 gallons per day! Dairy cows consume water in order to produce or make milk. Milk is about 85-90% water. www.agriculture.com www.delaval.com
Vitamins and Mineral Supplements: Check your answers. Draw a visual. Add any new information in colored pencil. Vitamins and Mineral Supplements: Mainly concerned with supplementing Phosphorus Calcium Trace salts www.donaghys.com