What makes a good life? How would you define ‘wellbeing’? What does it mean to have a ‘good life’? Do all Australians have a good life? What could be improved in your life or community?
Better off, worse off? Learning Intention: to understand what the concept of wellbeing is and if it can be measured.
How can we measure wellbeing? Wellbeing – a good or satisfactory condition of existence; a state characterized by health, happiness, prosperity and welfare. Indicator – a value that informs us of a condition or progress; something that helps us understand where we are in relation to a goal. Task Draw a table with three columns and eleven rows. Label the first column Indicator, the second how do you measure this, third what type of data is this. In the first column write a list of indicators you could use to determine if a child you know has a “good life”.
Cormac and Stella, a good life? Indicator How is it measured? What type of data is it? How many hours a day do they sleep? Do they like the food they get? Do they get to spend time outside?
How do we measure these indicators? How is it measured? What type of data is it? How many hours a day do they sleep? Number of hours per day spent sleeping Quantitative Do they like the food they get? Asking them and discussing their overall happiness with the menu in their house. An overall feeling. Qualitative Do they get to spend time outside? Statement qualifying whether get to go outside every day, sometimes, most days. ? What type of data is it? Quantitative Data – easily measured and can be stated numerically. Qualitative Data – usually consists of a complex set of indices that measure a particular aspect of quality of life or describe living conditions.
Prep - Categories of wellbeing indicators Social Technological Environmental Economic Political Copy this diagram into your workbook and add a context for how each of these areas is seen to impact wellbeing. Contexts can be found in your textbook on page 112.
Prep Please answer the following questions from your textbook in your notebooks. Q 1b, 6 and 7.
Australia Vs. The World (2011) – quantitative indicators Country (Australia) Value Country (The world) Life expectancy (years) Australia 82 Sierra Leone (Africa) 47 Mobile phones (subscriptions per 100 people) 101 Eritrea (Africa) 4 Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1000 women 15-19 years of age) 14 Denmark (Europe) 5 Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament (%) 25 Rwanda (Africa) 56 Gross National Income (PPP) per capita ($US) 46,200 (46,540) Qatar (Asia) 80,440 (123,860) Literacy rate (% of youth aged 15-24 years of age) 99 Mozambique (Africa) 71
What are the interconnections between place, space, environment and peoples wellbeing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UBk8f7Bgj0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQXN5LvFgJI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlKHKMytN-8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13dgB0TVMR8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR0Ybn4i4ts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5LHwY8X_JI