Setting Up Your Local Desk Jet Printer
2 1 The first step is to (1) click on the start button then (2) click again on the “printers and faxes” icon.
Make sure you have the same screen (above) and then click on the “Next” Button.
Make sure that the “local printer” option is bubbled in as well as the “Automatically detect and install my plug and play printer”. If not, please click each empty box so it looks the same as the picture above.
Please check the “No, not this time” option then click “NEXT”
Change the option to “Install from a list or specific location” Change the option to “Install from a list or specific location”. Then click “NEXT”
Uncheck the “search removable media” and then click the “Include this location in the search”. Click “browse”.
1 2 Click on the drop down for “my documents” 2. Click on “GROUPS” “P” Drive
Find your model printer (as seen above). Click on the folder Find your model printer (as seen above). Click on the folder. Then click on “OK”. In some cases, you are going to have to expand the folder, as seen above, until “OK” is not grayed out. Printer models are located on the front of your printer. For 6988 please use the 6980 folder.
Once you click “OK”, your window should look similar to the one above Once you click “OK”, your window should look similar to the one above. Click “NEXT”
Click “finish” and let it install.