Community Leadership An Increasing Mandate Opportunity COMBASE - September 21, 2015
The Community College Movement Is Evolving From: Student and Community Access To: Student and Community Success ~
Student and Community Success = College Success ~
Who will fill it? ~ 1900 – 2000 Leadership Model: Key Business Leaders Set Community Direction 2000+ Leadership Model: Broad, Grassroots Collaborative The U.S. has a leadership vacuum. Who will fill it? ~
“A defining trend in the world today: Cities are driving national economies.” Bruce Katz Brookings Institute ~
Community Leadership - COMBASE September 21, 2015 “Metro areas are the new city states.” “Oceanic shipping is the new Silk Road.” “Metro regions offer the U.S. the best chance for a revived economy and prosperous future.” - The Metropolitan Revolution ~
Charlotte Metropolitan Area had no economic vision “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Pv 29:18 ~
Charlotte Region Global Initiative 2011 – Present ~ Global Vision - German Delegation Dinner 5/18/2015 Charlotte Region Global Initiative 2011 – Present ~
From The Authors Of The Metropolitan Revolution The big “aha” moment in a metro comes when nongovernmental leaders recognize that they are co-creators of the metropolitan economy. Brookings Institute, September 2014 Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley 2011 Global Competitiveness Summit Established Global Vision Leaders Group ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub Global Vision The economic vision for the Charlotte region’s future is to become “a global hub of commerce”: a great inland port city leveraging its resources to world prominence ~
The Global Vision Leaders Group 150 Key Leaders from 26 NC and SC Counties Grassroots, collaborative, non-political Purpose: Access regional assets, identify gaps, develop additional assets to achieve the vision. ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub How? Building on the assets of the Charlotte area to achieve our regional vision of economic success. Expanding economic base of Finance, Energy and Healthcare to include Advanced Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, and Entrepreneurialism. ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub What are our key strategies to achieve this vision? ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub Strategy: “Create things” better than our competitors by adopting entrepreneurialism and innovation as prominent and core values of the region and provide support for innovation and new business creators. ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub Strategy: “Make things” better than our competitors by growing our advanced manufacturing base and providing these businesses with world class employees through exemplary education and training success. ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub Strategy: “Move things” better than our competitors through the new intermodal center at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport. We will move people and goods faster, cheaper and more efficiently through the consolidation of train, truck, air and ship transportation. ~
Charlotte Region As A Global Hub Strategy: “Market the vision for regional buy-in and market it to targeted world businesses and consumers.” ~
Next Steps Implement an intentional strategy for global business success Build the region’s global identity and “uniqueness” Build the region’s global trade alliances Build the region’s global culture Identify or develop a marketing consortium to market the region Identifying someone or an organization to coordinate regional global logistics Establish a global collaboration with 14 colleges ~
Charlotte Regional Collaborative For A Global Economy
Charlotte Regional Collaborative For A Global Economy Community Leadership - COMBASE September 21, 2015 Charlotte Regional Collaborative For A Global Economy
Global Vision Updates Global Vision Leaders Group (150 members) Collaborative for Global Development (14 community colleges producing best-skilled workers) Site Selection Magazine lists Charlotte in top 100 global metros DOC lists Charlotte Region as fastest growing export region in USA, 2013 7th largest foreign direct investment in US says Site Selection Magazine, 2014
Global Vision Updates, continued Airport – new expansion and strategic plan New position: Economic Affairs Manager Strategic plan for achieving global vision under implementation COG Freight Plan Research DOC’s new study/strategy on exports
Global Vision Updates, continued Assessing key assets of Global Metro Areas, identifying deficiencies and developing additional, differentiating competitive assets for the Charlotte Region to engage globally. Increasing Honorary Consuls TTIP Conference (85% of US Trade is with Europe) Eight Global Competitive Summits since 2011 Next step: identify gaps in competitive assets ~
From The Authors Of The Metropolitan Revolution Global Vision - German Delegation Dinner 5/18/2015 From The Authors Of The Metropolitan Revolution “The informal power to convene is probably the least respected tool…a civic leader possesses.” “In the end, collaboration and network building are the most important foundations for transformative action in a city and metropolis. Everything that follows – vision, strategy, tactics and impact – is derivative.”
“Who is better positioned to lead your community’s future economic vision?” “CARPE DIEM” ~ ~