Elena Eliza and Amber March 23, 2011 Mrs. Boyle Pumpin’ science girls Elena Eliza and Amber March 23, 2011 Mrs. Boyle
Lab description In our lab we worked hard at keeping our plants alive, every day we worked at watering, them and @ making data in there growth progress.
Inquiry Question The question that we were working on is; Do seeds sprout bigger plants if there are more seeds in the pot?
Objectives The purpose of our lab was to see if a plant could withstand less space or more space. The hard part of that was trying not to kill our plants.
Background Info. Our research information that I found was that the plants that have less space died and the ones with more space ( some) lived. Alive Dead
Hypothesis Our hypothesis was: If you put 5 seeds in one pot and 10 seeds in the other, then I think that the one with 5 seeds will grow more than the one with 10 because in the pot with 10, the seeds will not get enough water, will get tangled and eventually die.
Material’s 6 pots with 1 hole in each One holder 2 cups of 8 cm of water (only filled ½ way) 45 mung bean seeds
Procedures The steps that we did to finish our inquiry are 1) We picked 45 seeds, mung bean seed 2) Then we picked 6 love it sizes (from Tim Hortons, a ice cream place) cups of ice cream, with out the ice cream. 3) Next, we chose our water cups, we picked 8cm high of the cup and we filled it 4 cm 4) After that we picked the kind of soil. 5) Lastly we put every thing in together, we started with poking one hole at the bottom, then we put the pot in a container, next we placed the container ½ way with the soil put the seeds in and put more soil on. Then we watered and placed them in a sunny place and waited.
Data tables On this site. http://plantingscience.org/index.php?module=pagesetter&type=file&func=get&tid=2&fid=data3upload&pid=3667
Conclusions The plants that survived really supplies me I was happy. The experiment that we did was really sucsessful.
Bibliography www.plantingscience.com; www.google.com