Unit 3 ~ We believe in God the Father Almighty Grade 7 Religion Unit 3 ~ We believe in God the Father Almighty
What do you think this unit is about? p.45
3.1 Who loves me? Complete Worksheets 23ab, filling-in as much of the lines as you can. A Parent’s Love (copy) If we know a parent’s love, we know something about how God loves us. God loves and cares for us, even when we give very little back. In the same way that parents limit themselves when interacting with a child, God does not control our lives, but moves along with us, always helping and encouraging.
Your turn… Read pages 46-47 on your own Answer the following question in your notebook: Write a 3-sentence explanation of how God’s love goes beyond the love of a human parent. clip
Role play Who wants to be Mr. Hurd’s parents? He is a difficult child to raise.
Journaling… Enter the room quietly and begin by journaling about all the things you wish your family had.
Prayer… (copy, copy) When we feel that God has abandoned us, it is because we have turned away from God, sometimes without realizing it. Praying is a way of turning back to God. Whatever method of prayer we choose, if we reach out in faith and love, God will always respond. (Hint: it’s the language He understands best, because He is Love.) video
Your turn… Let’s turn to page 48. Write some possible outcomes for a person who prays to God for the love of a certain, special person. song
Project #3 - iWear Instructions: Finish constructing your eyeglasses; work on your 1-page description of your iWear. Do not move desks from the rows. Keep the room tidy and clean.