Economic Outlook September 2016 Economic Policy Division
U.S. Real GDP and GDI
U.S. GDP Actual and Potential Quarterly, Q1 1980 to Q4 2017 Trillion $2009 Forecast
Labor Productivity
Economic Outlook September 2016 Economic Policy Division
U.S. GDP: Estimates of Potential (Real $2013 dollars)
Real GDP Outlook
Personal Consumption Outlook Real Personal Consumption Expenditures
Net National Saving Net National Saving Components of Saving
Real Nonresidential Investment
Industrial Production Investment Drivers Industrial Production Capacity Utilization
Monthly Leasing and Finance Index Total Rail Carloadings Sector Indicators ATA Truck Tonnage Index Boxboard Production Monthly Leasing and Finance Index Total Rail Carloadings
Domestic Bank Lending
U.S. Trade Real Net Exports of Goods and Services U.S. Nominal Trade Weighted Exchange Rate
Unemployment Rate August: 4.9% Initial Unemployment Claims Labor Market Household Employment Total Nonfarm Jobs Unemployment Rate August: 4.9% Initial Unemployment Claims
Part-time for Economic Reasons Civilian Participation Rate Labor Market Part-time for Economic Reasons Discouraged Workers Duration of Unemployment Civilian Participation Rate
Employment-Population Ratio Percent
Bank Assets and Liabilities Fed Policy Bank Assets and Liabilities
CBO’s Baseline Deficit (August 2016) Budget Deficit Deficit to GDP
Government Baseline Outside Debt (August 2016) Debt Debt to GDP
Government Revenues and Outlays (Percent of GDP) Source: CBO Baseline (August 2016)
Government Outlays Discretionary Entitlements Net Interest Source: CBO Baseline (August 2016) Discretionary Entitlements Net Interest
Mandatory Spending as a Share of Total Revenues Source: CBO Baseline (August 2016) Mandatory Spending (Entitlements + Net Interest)