Eastern Europe Includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro,


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Presentation transcript:

Eastern Europe Includes Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Yugoslavia

History of Eastern Europe Crossroads between East and West Made up of land belonging to the Holy Roman Empire and Ottoman Empire Central battleground between Nazi Germany and Communist Soviet Union Soviet Union took control of most Eastern European nations Satellite Nations- countries dominated by other countries

History of Eastern Europe Breakup of Soviet Union in 1991 led to many new independent states being developed. Break-up of nations in the Balkan Peninsula known as balkanization Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia broke along ethnic lines in the 1990s

Governments of Eastern Europe Most today have elected political systems

Economy of Eastern Europe Move from communist (government-controlled) economies to free market economies Communism Capitalism Socialism Government Control Public Ownership Low degree of government control

Economy of Eastern Europe Based heavily in agriculture and natural resources Some industrialization in the western nations Czech Republic and Poland

Culture Religion Languages Roman Catholicism Eastern Orthodox Islam Vary depending on nation Those more in the west use Latin alphabet Those more to the east use Cyrillic alphabet