AX STATIONS & PLATFORMS Topics: 1 – Hosts 2 – Stations 3 – Platforms 4 – AX Architecture 5 – AX Protocols 6 – Connecting
AX Stations & Platforms EST: 60:00 1 – Hosts 4 – AX Architecture 2 – Stations 5 – AX Protocols 3 – Platforms 6 – Connecting Module 2 Menu This module should take about 60 minutes. When you’ve completed this presentation on EC-gfxProgram Basics, click on the “QUIZ” button below to take a short quiz. Then click the brown “NEXT MODULE” arrow below to advance to the next e-module – Module 3: Distech Controllers. Click to review Instructions >
HOSTS Topic 1 AX Stations & Platforms What is a Host? Local vs. Remote Hosts AX Stations & Platforms Topic 1– Hosts In this topic, you will explore: What a host is Local vs. Remote hosts HOSTS Topic 1 BACK TO MENU
Hosts In EC-NETAX, any EC-BOS controller or computer running the AX framework is referred to as a “host.” In AX, hosts may be seen on a Navigation (Nav) Tree as objects connected to a network with an IP address and name: Under the host, each EC-BOS controller will have a PLATFORM and a STATION icon that allows a user to connect to either via an active session. Programming blocks can be added to the Programming Sheet from the Code Library (as code snippets) or Toolbox. BACK TO MENU
Local vs. Remote Hosts The computer on which AX is running is called the LOCAL Host. It is referred to as “MyHost” in the Nav Tree. All EC-BOS controllers or other computers on which AX is running are called REMOTE hosts. LOCAL HOST (LAPTOP) REMOTE HOST (EC-BOS) BACK TO MENU
STATIONS Topic 2 AX Stations & Platforms What is a Station? What’s Included in a Station Station Representation AX Stations & Platforms Topic 3 – Stations In this topic, you will explore: What a station is What’s included in a station Station representation in AX STATIONS Topic 2 BACK TO MENU
What’s a Station? A station is the main unit of server processing and engineering in the Niagara architecture. A station database is defined by a single .bog file called a “config.bog." Stations are booted from their config.bog file into a single Virtual Machine (VM), or process, on the host machine. config.bog There is usually a one-to-one correspondence between stations and host machines (Supervisors or EC-BOSes). However, it is possible to run two stations on the same machine if they are configured to use different IP ports. BACK TO MENU
What’s a Station? The primary parts of a station include components and services. A Station is the combination of a database, a web server, and a control engine. The station either runs on a Web Supervisor PC or an EC-BOS controller. DATABASE CONTROL ENGINE WEB SERVER BACK TO MENU
What’s Included in a Station A station runs the components of the AX Framework and provides the access for client web browsers to view and control these components. Such components might include: Objects that represent controllable equipment such as: Fans/pumps Boilers Chillers Coils Valves Schedules that drive equipment, set setpoints, enable events, etc. Trending data collected based on intervals or value changes Alarms that get generated periodically based on exceeding limits Graphics that allow owner/operator access using a web browser BACK TO MENU
Station Representation in AX In EC-NET-AX, a Station is represented by a Fox icon in a tree structure called a “Nav Tree.” NAVIGATION (NAV) TREE Toolbox Elements Click each of the following Toolbox Elements below to find out more. To communicate with a Station, it must be in a running status and accessible on the Nav Tree. BACK TO MENU
PLATFORMS Topic 3 AX Stations & Platforms What is a Platform? Platform Tools AX Stations & Platforms Topic 3 – Platforms In this topic, you will explore: What a platform is Various platform tools PLATFORMS Topic 3 BACK TO MENU
What is a Platform? The Platform is the name for everything that is installed on a EC-NETAX host that is not part of an engineered EC-NETAX station. The Platform interface provides a way to address all the support tasks that allow you to setup, support and troubleshoot an EC- NETAX host. SETUP SUPPORT TROUBLESHOOT BACK TO MENU
What is a Platform? In EC-NETAX, when you open a platform connection to an EC-NETAX host (whether an EC-BOS controller or Supervisor), that host’s available platform functions (as a toolset) are listed in the platform’s Nav Container View, as shown here > > > > > > > > > Toolbox Elements Click each of the following Toolbox Elements below to find out more. BACK TO MENU
Platform View Exceptions – 1 Each platform function has its own Workbench view (plugin); you access it by simply double-clicking on it. Most of the same platform views exist whether a platform connection to an EC- BOS controller or an AX Supervisor, with some of the following exceptions: If you connect to the local (My Host) platform on your laptop, some platform views appear to be missing – they have no application when working on your laptop—instead, you use Windows Explorer. For example: Distribution File Installer File Transfer Client Software Manager Station Copier 2 BACK TO MENU
Platform View Exceptions – 2 For any Windows-based platform, a User Manager view is available. This view is not available if the platform is a QNX-based EC-BOS or a Linux-based Supervisor. In AX-3.7 and later, some platforms may have a Certificate Management view. This view appears only for a host licensed for SSL (secure connection). An EC-BOS with an installed WiFi option has two related platform views: WiFi Configuration and WiFi Certificate Manager. BACK TO MENU
Distribution File Installer Platform Administration Key Platform Tools Some of the more commonly used Platform tools that you will encounter in training and use in the field include: Application Director Click each of the Platform tools to find out more information. Distribution File Installer File Transfer Client Platform Administration Software Manager Station Copier BACK TO MENU
AX BASIC ARCHITECTURE Topic 4 Software Architecture Communication Architecture Driver Hierarchy Physical Network Architecture AX Stations & Platforms Topic 4 – AX Basic Architecture In this topic, you will explore at a high level: AX software architecture Communication architecture Driver Hierarchy Physical Network Architecture AX BASIC ARCHITECTURE Topic 4 BACK TO MENU
AX Architecture Types The following architecture types are presented to give you an appreciation of how the AX framework is constructed for software, communication and drivers. Additionally, typical network architectures are included. It is NOT intended as an exhaustive treatment. Software Architecture Communication Architecture This diagram comes directly out of the AX Help system – it represents the software architecture of the platform and station generically. The PLATFORM consists of the: Hardware Host – either a PC (laptop) or JACE (EC-BOS) The Operating System (O/S) – either Windows or Linus (for a PC) or QNX (for an EC-BOS) The JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM), which is layered on top of the O/S. A Java virtual machine (JVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. The JVM provides a layer between the hardware and its operating system and the Niagara software, known as the Niagara run-time environment (NRE). The Niagara Runtime Environment (NRE) – hosted by the platform-specific JVM, the framework uses the Java VM as a common runtime environment across various operating systems and hardware platforms. The core framework scales from small embedded controllers to high end servers. Modules – on top of the NRE are the Niagara modules. All of the modules are located in the machine hosting the AX software and are then installed Driver Architecture Physical Network Architecture
AX Software Architecture This diagram comes directly out of the AX Help system – it represents the software architecture of the platform and station generically. The PLATFORM consists of the: Hardware Host – either a PC (laptop) or JACE (EC-BOS) The Operating System (O/S) – either Windows or Linus (for a PC) or QNX (for an EC-BOS) The JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM), which is layered on top of the O/S. A Java virtual machine (JVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. The JVM provides a layer between the hardware and its operating system and the Niagara software, known as the Niagara run-time environment (NRE). The Niagara Runtime Environment (NRE) – hosted by the platform-specific JVM, the framework uses the Java VM as a common runtime environment across various operating systems and hardware platforms. The core framework scales from small embedded controllers to high end servers. Modules – on top of the NRE are the Niagara modules. All of the modules are located in the machine hosting the AX software and are then installed EC-BOS BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
AX Software Architecture The PLATFORM consists of the: Hardware Host – either a PC (laptop) or JACE (EC-BOS) The Operating System (O/S) – either Windows or Linus (for a PC) or QNX (for an EC-BOS) The JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) – layered on top of the O/S. A Java virtual machine (JVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. The JVM provides a layer between the hardware and its operating system and the Niagara software, known as the Niagara run-time environment (NRE). The PLATFORM consists of the: Hardware Host – either a PC (laptop) or JACE (EC-BOS) The Operating System (O/S) – either Windows or Linus (for a PC) or QNX (for an EC-BOS) The JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) – layered on top of the O/S. A Java virtual machine (JVM) is an abstract computing machine that enables a computer to run a Java program. The JVM provides a layer between the hardware and its operating system and the Niagara software, known as the Niagara run-time environment (NRE). BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
AX Software Architecture The Niagara Runtime Environment (NRE) – hosted by the platform-specific JVM, the framework uses the Java VM as a common runtime environment across various operating systems and hardware platforms. The core framework scales from small embedded controllers to high end servers. Modules – on top of the NRE are the Niagara modules. The Niagara Runtime Environment (NRE) – hosted by the platform-specific JVM, the framework uses the Java VM as a common runtime environment across various operating systems and hardware platforms. The core framework scales from small embedded controllers to high end servers. Modules – on top of the NRE are the Niagara modules. BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
AX Software Stack This diagram shows how the AX interfaces and applications are built on top of the Baja Specification that define areas such as: Module management Logging Registry XML Localization Licensing Navigation Naming conventions Security Links Object & Component Models BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
AX Communication Architecture This diagram illustrates the following concepts: The platform daemon (niagarad) (Port 3011/5011) is used to facilitate communications (such as station saves/backups), logins, etc.) between EC-NET-AX (shown as “Workbench”), a Supervisor platform and an EC-BOS platform. The Fox Service (Port 1911/4911) is used for all network communication between EC-BOS stations as well as between the EC-NETAX engineering tool and EC-BOS stations. The Web Service (Port 80/443) is used to determine the port usage and authentication methods of the station's web server, There are typically four different programs (or processes) associated with a Niagara AX system. These programs and their network communication are illustrated via the Communications Diagram: Station: is the Niagara runtime - a Java VM that runs a Niagara component application. Workbench: is the Niagara tool - a Java VM that hosts Niagara plugin components. Daemon: is a native daemon process used to boot stations and to manage platform configuration such as IP settings. Web Browser: is a standard web browser such as IE or FireFox that hosts one of Niagara's web user interfaces. BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
Driver Hierarchy DRIVERS The hierarchy shown illustrates a consistent approach from the top down regardless of the network type (Lonworks, BACnet, etc.): Networks Devices Device Extensions Points Histories Schedules Etc. The hierarchy shown illustrates a consistent approach from the top down regardless of the network type (Lonworks, BACnet, etc.). BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
Driver Hierarchy–Consistent Views Drivers Level > > > > > > > Driver Manager Network Level > > > > > Device Managers Device Level > > > > > Device Containers Extensions Level > > Point Managers For all networks (drivers) such as Lonworks or BACnet, there is a consistent set of views used to view and manage objects at specific levels of the architecture. Database Level > Point Folders BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
Typical Network Architecture–Lonworks TYPICAL LON NETWORK Typical installation for a Lon network that contains multiple EC-BOS-AX controllers. The communication protocol between each EC-BOS-AX and an EC-Net-AX Supervisor is typically done through the FOX IP protocol (communication protocol for NiagaraAX). Typical installation for a Lon network that contains multiple EC-BOS-AX controllers. The communication protocol between each EC-BOS-AX and an EC-Net-AX Supervisor is typically done through the FOX IP protocol (communication protocol for NiagaraAX). BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
Typical Network Architecture–BACnet TYPICAL BACNET NETWORK Typical installation for a BACnet network that contains multiple EC-BOS-AX. The communication protocol between each EC-BOS-AX and an EC-Net-AX Supervisor is typically done through the FOX IP protocol (Communication protocol for NiagaraAX). Typical installation for a BACnet network that contains multiple EC-BOS-AX. The communication protocol between each EC-BOS-AX and an EC-Net-AX Supervisor is typically done through the FOX IP protocol (Communication protocol for NiagaraAX). BACK TO MENU BACK TO A-TYPES
AX Protocols Topic 5 AX Stations & Platforms AX Basic Structure Fox HTTP Niagarad AX Stations & Platforms Topic 5 – AX Protocols In this topic, you will explore: AX basic structure Fox protocol HTTP protocol Niagarad AX Protocols Topic 5 BACK TO MENU
AX Basic Structure AX's design goal is to integrate cleanly with all networks and protocols. The AX software suite implements a highly efficient adaptation of the JavaBean component software model and Internet technologies to provide true interoperability across a wide range of automation products. The AX object model can be used to integrate a wide range of physical devices, controllers, and primitive control applications including Lonmark profiles, BACnet objects, and legacy control points. The AX architecture supports future enhancements by allowing legacy systems to be brought forward, where they can readily adopt new standards, solutions, and applications. BACK TO MENU
AX Protocol Types niagarad Fox HTTP Fox protocol - proprietary TCP/IP protocol used for station-to-station and Workbench-to-station communication HTTP protocol - standard protocol used by web browsers to access web pages from a station Niagarad protocol - proprietary protocol used for Workbench-to- daemon (niagarad.exe) communication niagarad Fox HTTP Fox protocol - proprietary TCP/IP protocol used for station-to-station and Workbench-to-station communication HTTP protocol - standard protocol used by web browsers to access web pages from a station Niagarad protocol - proprietary protocol used for Workbench-to- daemon communication BACK TO MENU
AX Communication Architecture Non-Secure Secure EC-BOS Niagarad 3011 5011 This diagram illustrates the following concepts: The platform daemon (niagarad) (Port 3011/5011) is used to facilitate communications (such as station saves/backups), logins, etc.) between EC-NET-AX (shown as “Workbench”), a Supervisor platform and an EC-BOS platform. The Fox Service (Port 1911/4911) is used for all network communication between EC-BOS stations as well as between the EC-NETAX engineering tool and EC-BOS stations. The Web Service (Port 80/443) is used to determine the port usage and authentication methods of the station's web server, Fox Service 1911 4911 Web Service 80 443 Various Fieldbus protocols BACK TO MENU
Fox Protocol Proprietary TCP/IP protocol used for station-to-station and Workbench-to-station communication The AX framework includes a proprietary protocol called Fox which is used for all network communication between EC-BOS stations as well as between the EC-NETAX engineering tool and EC-BOS stations. Fox is a multiplexed peer-to-peer protocol that sits on top of a TCP connection. The default port for non-secure Fox connections is 1911. The Fox Service is the management tool (or process) in AX that allows configuration of the Fox protocol. BACK TO MENU
Standard protocol used by web browsers to access web pages from a station HTTP Protocol HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. For example, when you enter a URL in your browser, this actually sends an HTTP command to the Web server directing it to fetch and transmit the requested Web page. The other main standard that controls how the World Wide Web works is HTML, which covers how Web pages are formatted and displayed. HTTP is called a stateless protocol because each command is executed independently, without any knowledge of the commands that came before it. This is the main reason that it is difficult to implement World Wide Web sites that react intelligently to user input. This shortcoming of HTTP is addressed in a number of technologies, including Java, JavaScript and cookies. The Web Service is the management tool (or process) in AX that allows configuration of the HTTP protocol. BACK TO MENU
niagarad.exe monitors Ports 3011/5011. Proprietary protocol used for EC-NETAX-to-daemon communication Niagarad Protocol The niagarad protocol uses the platform daemon, which is a compact executable written in native code (it does not require the Niagara core runtime environment (NRE), or even a Java virtual machine (JVM)). The platform daemon is pre-installed on every EC-BOS controller (even as factory-shipped), and runs whenever the EC-BOS boots up. Also, a Niagara host's platform daemon monitors a different TCP/IP port for client connections than does any running station. By default, this is port 3011 (non-secure) or 5001 (secure). The Niagara Service is the management tool (or process) in AX that runs the platform daemon. niagarad.exe monitors Ports 3011/5011. BACK TO MENU
Niagara Daemon (niagarad) niagarad.exe a native daemon process used to perform functions such as: Booting/starting/saving stations Performing station backups Managing platform configurations (such as IP settings) Authenticating access to platforms and stations Upgrading AX software BACK TO MENU
Niagara Daemon (niagarad) On Windows platforms (laptops), the daemon is run in the background as a Window's service. On QNX platforms (EC-BOSes), it is run as a daemon process on startup. Windows Task Manager BACK TO MENU
Niagara Daemon (niagarad) The most common way to access daemon functionality is through EC-NETAX. A connection to the daemon is established using the “Open Platform” command, which opens a Platform session to the remote machine for that specific release of NiagaraAX. BACK TO MENU
Niagara Daemon (niagarad) Each instance of the niagarad.exe is unique to the version of AX that it’s associated with. You cannot run more than a single instance of the platform daemon. As a result, it is possible to be running a platform daemon of a different Niagara release than the EC-NETAX software that is currently active on your PC. For example, if you are working in EC-NET-AX-3.8.41 and need to work in EC- NET-AX-3.8.111, you must first stop the currently running platform daemon and start the platform daemon for the other version of AX. Stop this one. Start this one. BACK TO MENU
Niagara Daemon (niagarad) Starting another platform daemon automatically stops the one previously running. Starting this one. Stops this one.
CONNECTING Topic 6 AX Stations & Platforms Connecting to a Platform Connecting to a Station AX Stations & Platforms Topic 6 – Connecting to Platforms and Stations In this topic, you will explore: How to connect to a platform How to connect to a station CONNECTING Topic 6 BACK TO MENU
Connecting to Platforms & Stations Platforms and Stations are typically accessed using unique icons displayed on the Nav Tree: For the My Host (Local Host – PC) icon, the PC name is displayed instead of the IP address. Also, the My Host icon is always displayed first at the top of the Nav Tree. PLATFORM STATION The Platform icon is always displayed above the Station icon, and both are under each host’s icon with a unique IP address. BACK TO MAIN MENU
Connecting to Platforms & Stations Click each of the buttons below to explore HOW TO connect to platforms and stations in EC-NET-AX. Connecting to Platforms Connecting to Stations BACK TO MAIN MENU
Platform Connections–Overview A platform connection is different than a station connection. When connected to a EC-NETAX platform, EC-NETAX communicates (as a client) to the host’s platform daemon (also known as “niagarad” for Niagara daemon), a server process. Unlike a station connection that uses the Fox protocol, a client platform connection ordinarily requires full Workbench (that is, using the “Web Workbench” applet), meaning it is unavailable using a standard Web browser. NO ACCESS TO PLATFORM Web Access Login A platform connection is different than a station connection. When connected to a EC-NETAX platform, EC-NETAX communicates (as a client) to the host’s platform daemon (also known as “niagarad” for Niagara daemon), a server process. Unlike a station connection that uses the Fox protocol (more on this later), a client platform connection ordinarily requires full Workbench (that is, using the “Web Workbench” applet), meaning it is unavailable using a standard Web browser. = BACK TO MAIN MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Connecting to a Platform–First Time From the Menu bar, select File > Open > Open Platform. Or use the Tool bar shortcut – the Open folder icon. The Open Platform dialog box appears. Click each of the steps to get more information about each step. Complete the configuration properties in the Open Platform dialog pop-up. Click the OK button to accept all settings and open an Authentication pop-up. Click OK again. NOT ALL BUTTON HYPERLINKS WORK. Platform opens in the Nav Tree, and the Platform’s Summary view displays in the View Pane. BACK TO MAIN MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Connecting to an AX Platform If the Host icon is already on the Nav Tree: Right-click > “Open Platform” to connect to the Platform of any host machine. If the Platform icon is already on the Nav Tree (and greyed out, indicating it’s currently disconnected): Double-click to connect to the Platform of any host machine. If you previously selected the “Remember these credentials” checkbox, then simply click the OK button to proceed. 2 If the Host icon is already on the Nav Tree: Right-click > “Open Platform” to connect to the Platform of any host machine. If the Platform icon is already on the Nav Tree (and greyed out, indicating it’s currently disconnected): Double-click to connect to the Platform of any host machine. If you previously selected the “Remember these credentials” checkbox, then simply click the OK button to proceed. BACK TO MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Station Connections–Overview To connect to a Station, you must do the following: Start the Station Open the Station Connect to the Station You cannot connect to a station unless it is “Open" and in a “Running” status. An open station icon is visible on the Nav Tree, but may appear dimmed (be disconnected). VS. To connect to a Station, you must do the following: Start the Station Open the Station Connect to the Station You cannot connect to a station unless it is “Open" and in a “Running” status. An open station icon is visible on the Nav Tree, but may appear dimmed (be disconnected). If there is no Station icon on the Nav Tree, you must open the station before connecting to it. To communicate with a station, it must be RUNNING and accessible. If there is no Station icon on the Nav Tree, you must open the station before connecting to it. To communicate with a station, it must be RUNNING and accessible. BACK TO MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Connecting to a Station–First Time Verify that the Station is Running using the Platform’s Application Director. If not, start the Station before proceeding. Click each of the steps to get more information about each step. On the Nav Tree, right-click the EC-BOS host icon. Complete the configuration properties in the Open Station dialog pop-up. Click the OK button to accept all settings and open an Authentication pop-up. Click OK again. NOT ALL BUTTON HYPERLINKS WORK. Station opens in the Nav Tree, and the Station’s Summary view displays in the View Pane. BACK TO MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Station Connection–First Time Open the Station Icon on the Nav Tree IF THERE IS NO HOST ICON ON THE NAV TREE FROM WHICH TO ESTABLISH A STATION CONNECTION: On the Toolbar, click the Open (folder) icon to open a connection to the Station. This action will: Place the Station (Fox) icon on the Nav Tree Connect to the Station by starting a session BACK TO MENU BACK TO CONNECTING
Connecting to Platforms & Stations After establishing the initial connections, platforms and stations are accessed by double-clicking the icons displayed on the Nav Tree: Future connections 2 PLATFORM STATION BACK TO MAIN MENU
Station Icon Scenarios A. Station Connected * RIGHT-CLICK POP-UP MENU ** B. Station Disconnected RIGHT-CLICK POP-UP MENU * C. Station Closed TOOLBAR SELECTION These are common Station icon scenarios that you will see on the Nav Tree: A – The Fox icon is ACTIVE - There is an active connection (or session) with the station. The right-click menu allows you to DISCONNECT from the current session with the station (leaving the icon greyed out) or CLOSE the connection (and remove the icon from the Nav Tree). B – The Fox icon is INACTIVE (greyed out) - There is NO active connection with the station. The right-click menu allows you to CONNECT to the station in an active session (activating the icon) or CLOSE the connection (and remove the icon from the Nav Tree). C – The Fox icon is MISSING – There is NO visible icon on the Nav Tree and no active connection with the station. To OPEN a connection (and active session), you must right-click on the Host icon (IP address) and select “Open Station (Fox)” from the menu. A station MUST be RUNNING to connect to it. If you need to check, or need to start a station, use the Application Director tool. BACK TO MAIN MENU
Station Connection Scenarios ESTABLISHING STATION CONNECTIONS CAUSE (ACTION) Nav Tree Station icon is visible FROM FUNCTIONAL RESULT Connects to Station Disconnects from Station Starts Station Stops Station Start a Station N/A Application Director (platform tool) NO --- YES Stop a Station ---- Kill a Station “Open Station” command Menu Bar > Open Tool Bar > Open icon OR Nav Tree > Host ip icon > right-click menu YES1 NO1 “Close” station Nav Tree > Station icon > right-click menu (station icon disappears) “Connect” to a station command YES 2 “Disconnect” from a station command YES, dimmed (station icon dims) 1 – You cannot connect to a station (using “Open Station” or “Connect” commands) unless it is first RUNNING. 2 – Station icon must be visible in the Nav Tree to use the CONNECT command. SHOW: Establishing a station connection
The QUIZ is still under development The QUIZ is still under development. So click again and we’ll take you to the next module: Distech Controllers & Software. NEXT MODULE