Filling English Gaps: Career Workshops for International University Students Jim Valentine, Ph.D. Director Eric H. Roth, M.A. Master Lecturer Richard Jones, M.A., M.Ed. Lecturer American Language Institute University of Southern California
Workshops are a result of Collaboration between two university units (both serving matriculated International Students) American Language Institute ALI Office of International Services OIS
The American Language Institute (ALI) is responsible for: English Language Placement Testing English for Academic “Core” Courses ITA Testing &Training
The Office of International Services (OIS) oversees and manages International student Visas/Status and Compliance with Homeland Security regulations Employment rules and opportunities for international students (CPT, OPT) Programming/Events for international students Information on life at USC and in Los Angeles
Origins & Development of OIS-ALI Workshops Intermittent history of “one-shot” Pronunciation Workshops with OIS by ALI faculty “Marketing” of ALI courses in OIS’ newsletter had increased awareness of ALI offerings and faculty expertise OIS’ indicated a need for additional programming for general international student population
Origins and Development of English for Job Search and Career Development Content In existing courses, we had observed the motivating nature and relevance of career related tasks (mock interviews, cover letters, email etiquette) Two mothers meet at USC Day Care The USC Career Center expressed a clear need for supplemental language support (writing and oral skills) for international students This expressed need resulted in the creation of ALI 280 course (English Skills and Strategies for the Job Search)
Course vs. Workshop Differing number of students Continuity over time vs. “one shot” interaction with students Compensation and staffing structure – supremacy of course as basic organizing unit At TESOL 2017, learned of Language Workshops/Seminars at Carnegie Mellon’s Intercultural Communication Center (ICC)
Ads for Workshops PRONUNCIATION Why Don't they Understand Me? Pronunciation in a U.S. Business Setting Thursday, March 30, 2017, 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM Taper Hall (THH) 201 While English is the lingua-franca in U.S. business settings, the variety of English accents can cause communication breakdowns. This workshop, presented by American Language Institute Master Lecturer Barry Griner, focuses on areas of pronunciation that you can adjust so that your accent is more easily understood by colleagues and employers. RSVP is required.
BIOSTATEMENTS Biostatements Matter: Crafting a Professional Document That Tells Your Story of Achievement Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Taper Hall (THH) 201 Writing a strong, clear bio statement is more difficult than it first appears, and there are many choices. In this workshop with American Language Institute lecturers Eric Roth and Richard Jones, you will learn how to anchor information about yourself with a few facts in three different verb tenses. Participants will leave with a short, functional bio statement to add to their professional portfolio. RSVP is required.
“ELEVATOR” PITCHES Crafting an Elevator Pitch That Will Leave a Lasting Impression Monday, April 17, 2017, 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM Taper Hall (THH) 201 It can be tough to feel comfortable promoting yourself to others, but in the U.S. job market, it is a necessity. In this workshop with American Language Institute Senior Lecturer Kimberley Briesch Sumner, you will learn how to craft your own pitch, practice it with others, and prepare yourself to tell potential employers what makes YOU the right candidate for the job. RSVP is required.
EMAIL ETIQUETTE Don't be Misunderstood! Mastering Email Etiquette Tuesday, April 25, 2017, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Taper Hall (THH) 201 In this practical seminar, ALI Senior Lecturer Eric H. Roth and ALI Lecturer Richard Jones address issues in email communication that often cause problems for second language English writers in both business and academic settings. Materials will be provided for attendees to reference at home. RSVP is required.
SURVEY FEEDBACK – BIOSTATEMENTS Source: OIS Biostatement Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
SURVEY FEEDBACK – EMAIL ETIQUETTE Source: OIS Email Etiquette Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
Biostatement Workshop Survey Results Biostatement Workshop Country of Citizenship Country % Count China 27% 10 Ecuador 3% 1 France 3% 1 India 8% 3 Japan 3% 1 Korea 8% 3 Malaysia 3% 1 Mexico 3% 1 Myanmar 3% 1 Philippines 3% 1 Spain 3% 1 Thailand 6% 2 United States 25% 9 Venezuela 3% 1 Total 100% 36 (of 36) Source: OIS Biostatement Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
Email Etiquette Workshop Survey Results Email Etiquette Workshop Country of Citizenship Country % Count Brazil 1% 1 Canada 1% 1 China 31% 26 Colombia 1% 1 India 20% 17 Italy 1% 1 Japan 4% 3 Kazakhstan 1% 1 Korea, Republic of 6% 5 Mexico 2% 2 Russian Federation 1% 1 Slovenia 1% 1 Spain 1% 1 Taiwan, Rep. of China 8% 7 Thailand 2% 2 Turkey 2% 2 United States 14% 12 Total 100% 84 (of 125 attending) Source: OIS Email Etiquette Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
MARKETING OF WORKSHOPS Source: OIS Email Etiquette Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
POST-GRADUATION/ EMPLOYMENT PLANS *Source: OIS Email Etiquette Workshop Report (Spring 2017)
FUTURE DIRECTIONS Additional Workshops Email Etiquette – 2 sessions (basic & advanced) Academic Integrity Vocabulary Building – Use of Corpora Pronouncing Chinese Names 2 Workshop Series? (Career/ Language) Creation of 1 unit English for Job Search course? - series of workshops (1- ½ hours, 1 day a week)
REFERENCES Barker, A. (2015, October 19). Are Chinese Students Driving Educational Imperialism? Retrieved from Carnegie Mellon’s Intercultural Communication Center (ICC) Language Training. Retrieved on 10/17/17 from Epley, N. (2015). Mindwise: Why We Misunderstand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want Paperback Reprint Edition: Vintage. Garfield, S. (2013, October 28). 10 old letter-writing tips that work for emails. Retrieved from Scarcella , R. (2003). Academic English: A Conceptual Framework. UC Berkeley: University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute. Retrieved from Swales, J. (1990). Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Swales, J., & Feak, C. (2012). Academic Writing for Graduate Students : Essential Tasks and Skills 3rd ed.: University of Michigan Press.