The Future Is Limitless EADM 622 Intergrated 11th Grade Curriculum Unit The Future Is Limitless Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herlihy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herilhy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey
Interdisciplinary Lesson Plans These cross-curricular lesson plans will help students understand the breadth of opportunities available to them. They will be able to research, investigate, and self- explore. Students will be given opportunities to interact with others in pair-shares, partake in whole class activities, and grow as an independent learner
Integrative Purpose The purpose of this unit is to help students take the first step in setting career goals. This curriculum focuses on the unique academic, personal, and social needs of high school learners, providing opportunities for them to explore career clusters while developing foundational knowledge and skills applicable to all career fields. Our goal was to include engaging opportunities for students to discover career possibilities and how these possibilities align with their personal goals and interests.
Humanitarian Transformation Students are moving from school to life and need to understand career planning as a continuous process directed by changes in the workplace and the goals of the worker. Career and life role education helps students prepare to integrate the demands of six life roles (i.e., individual, learner, producer, consumer, family member and citizen) into family, community and work settings. Career and life role education helps students connect the personal side of their lives ("learning to live") to educational growth ("loving to learn") and career development (“living to learn").
Cross Curricular Connection Common Prep Period Students will research careers they are interested in. They will then select one career to conduct a historical investigation based on the career of their choice. Next, they will analyze and compute the data associated with the career they chose. Additionally, students will write an all inclusive, MLA report, detailing their career, findings, and results. Finally, students will create a PowerPoint presentation based on their report and present it to their peers for evaluation.
Curriculum Integration Computer Applications Class Nick Neace Social Studies Class Chris Herlihy Math Class Mike Livingston English Class (Collaborative Model) Chloe Arias Brian Jeffrey
Computer Applications Day 1 Visit index.html Click on Assess Yourself Complete the Following: Quick Assessment (Print) Interest Profiler (Save/Print)
Computer Applications Day 2 Visit Click on Reality Check Separate window opens Print Results Click on Non-Flash Version Follow On-Screen Prompts Load Data from Interest Profiler Explore Three Career Options and Print Those Results
Social Studies Day 1: Review computer lab norms Teacher demonstration how using keywords in a search engine. Students search for info about the history of their top 3 chosen careers from Mr. Neace’s class. Career websites searched for information for essay and power point presentation. Students research top 3 career interests from Career Interest Survey. Students complete “Top 3 Career Choices: Pros and Cons’” Worksheet. Students choose career to research in depth for their essay in English.
EADM 622 Intergrated 11th Grade Curriculum Unit Social Studies Day 2: Students receive research project outline specifying components to include in each section of research project. Students design outline for their career to bring focus to the research Day 3: Students given more time to complete outlines for chosen career. Students receive instruction and demonstration on using Microsoft Word. Time permitting, students type career history report Day 4: If necessary, students continue typing their career history report. Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herilhy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey
Mathematics Does a college degree pay off? Statistics have proven that there is a direct correlation between a person’s educational level and the amount of money a person makes over a lifetime. In this lesson, students will: Understand the purpose of a bar graph. Demonstrate how data can be represented in a graphical form. Interpret data presented on a bar graph. Apply means, median, and mode to data from the graph
Mathematics Statistics Professional Degree $109,600 Doctoral Degree $89,400 Master’s Degree $62,300 Bachelor’s Degree $52,200 Associate’s Degree $38,200 Some College $36,800 High School Graduate $30,400 Some High School $23,400
Mathematics EADM 622 Intergrated 11th Grade Curriculum Unit Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herilhy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey
English Prompt :Review Handout Step 1- Pre-write Step 2- Outline Read poem and pass out handout to class Step 2- Outline ELL Strategy Step 3- Draft Special Needs Strategy Step 4- Peer Evaluation Musical Editing Step 5- Revisions Mini Conferences Step 6- Final Draft
English: Collaboration EADM 622 Intergrated 11th Grade Curriculum Unit English: Collaboration PowerPoint Lesson Essential Measurement Standards (Power Standards) Presentation Outline and Rubric Evaluation Learning Scales Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herilhy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey
The Future Is Limitless Presented by: Nick Neace, Chris Herlihy, Mike Livingston, Chloe Arias, and Brian Jeffrey