Vincent Grimaud, Head of Unit AID & DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS INTRODUCTION TO THE MAIN OUTCOMES OF BUSAN HIGH LEVEL FORUM Vincent Grimaud, Head of Unit Unit for Aid and Development Effectiveness and Financing EuropeAid (DEVCO A3)
Aid and Development Effectiveness Agenda
I. Main outcomes of Busan Inclusiveness: common goals and shared principles – differential commitments (emerging economies, private sector, CSOs,…) New governance structure: Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, supported by OECD and UNDP Focusing and deepening aid effectiveness commitments: ownership, accountability for results, transparency, reduced fragmentation, New Deal for fragile states Conceptual shift from aid to aid and development effectiveness: aid as a catalyst – focus on development results
Agreement of shared principles Ownership of development priorities by developing countries Focus on results Inclusive development partnerships Transparency and accountability to each other
Five Paris principles remain valid, the focus in aid effectiveness develops Ownership: Democratic ownership Alignment: Effective Institutions Harmonisation: fragmentation, aid orphans Managing for results: measurement, reporting Mutual accountability: not only for commitments, but also results
Key issues for way forward Agreement on Global Partnership Governance structure and monitoring framework Follow-up to time-bound commitments Focus on country level implementation of commitments, including supporting partner country leadership