The Dubliners by J. Joyce 15 short stories 4 groups Descriptions= realistic and symbolic The Dubliners by J. Joyce Focus: on the protagonists’ emotional paralysis Characters are similar: all are affected by emotional paralysis Characters are different in age/sex/social/cultural /psychological background
The Dubliners EMOTIONAL PARALYSIS spiritually dead fearful people slaves of their familiar, moral cultural, religious political life exiles at home unable to cut their bonds Inability to change the present course of their lives Failure to find a way out of present situation EMOTIONAL PARALYSIS Historical, social, psychological forces Oppressive Irish mentality shaped by politics and religion
Awareness of such failure EPIPHANY Sudden spiritual revelation which makes the Dubliners aware of their paralysis
realistic descriptions: STYLE naturalistic A framework of the characters’s formless thoughts realistic descriptions: precise details Symbolical meaning: Further depeer meaning beyond the usual aspects of life
J. Joyce family Middle-class Catholic family Father great influence on him Comfortable economic situation Impoverished situation Down the social ladder Dublin Moved house from good to less good Great consciousness of Dublin education Rigorous Jesuit education Discipline intelligence Intellectual subtlety religion Early uncomfortable with religion Various traps Voluntary exile
Modern international writer Work based on day to day life of Dublin European rather than an Irish man A realistic portrait of Ireland from a European, cosmopolitan viewpoint To increase Ireland’s awareness
To go away with her lover Eveline Internal struggle To stay home To go away with her lover Unable to take a daring decision: Paralysis Tiring, boring and hard life Security Protection Not totally undesirable immobility Enjoyment, happiness Excitement Fear of the unknown Something outside her control movement