HSC Seminar Day Food Technology 2017
The HSC examination The external HSC examination provides a measure of student achievement in a range of syllabus outcomes that can be reliably measured in an examination setting.
The external examination and its marking relate to syllabus standards by: providing clear links to syllabus outcomes enabling students to demonstrate the levels of achievement outlined in the course performance scale applying marking guidelines based on criteria that relate to the quality of the response aligning performance in the examination each year to the standards established for the course.
A student: explains manufacturing processes and technologies used in the production of food products examines the nature and extent of the Australian food industry justifies processes of food product development and manufacture in terms of market, technological and environmental considerations evaluates the impact of the operation of an organisation within the Australian Food Industry on the individual, society and environment
evaluates the relationship between food, its production, consumption, promotion and health investigates operations of one organisation within the Australian food industry independently investigates contemporary nutrition issues
develops, prepares and presents food using product development processes applies principles of food preservation to extend the life of food and maintain safety develops, realises and evaluates solutions to a range of food situations
Food Technology HSC examination specifications The examination will consist of a written paper worth 100 marks. Time allowed: 3 hours plus 5 minutes reading time. The paper will consist of four sections.
There will be approximately equal weighting of each of the four core strands across the examination as a whole. Questions may require students to integrate knowledge, understanding and skills developed through studying the entire course, rather than focusing on a particular core strand.
Section I (20 marks) There will be objective response questions to the value of 20 marks. 6 Which one of the following medical conditions is linked with undernutrition? (A) Anaemia (B) Diabetes (C) Obesity (D) Stroke
9 Which factor most influences the price structure of a new food product? (A) The environment (B) Distribution systems (C) Nature of the target market (D) Expertise of company staff
Section II (50 marks) There will be approximately 6 short-answer questions. Questions may contain parts. There will be approximately 14 items in total. At least four items will be worth from 4 to 6 marks.
Question 22 (4 marks) Outline TWO types of food product development. Use examples to support your answer. Question 22 Criteria Marks • Sketches in general terms types of food product development, with supporting examples 4 • Sketches in general terms a type of food product development, with supporting example(s) OR • Recognises and names types of food product development with supporting example(s) 2–3 • Provides general information on food product development OR • Recognises and names a type of food product development 1
• Correctly recognises and names TWO quality assurance procedures used Question 23 (5 marks) Name a food organisation that you have studied. (a) Identify TWO quality assurance procedures used by this organisation. 2 Name of organisation: ............................................................................................. Question 23 (a) Criteria Marks • Correctly recognises and names TWO quality assurance procedures used 2 • Correctly recognises and names ONE quality assurance procedure used 1
(b) Explain how the identified organisation has responded to consumer influences, using relevant examples.
Question 23 (b) Criteria Marks • Makes a relationship between the organisation and how it has responded to consumer influences, using relevant examples 3 • Provides characteristics and features of how the organisation has responded to consumer influences, using limited examples 2 • Provides general information on how the organisation has responded to consumer influences 1
Section III (15 marks) There will be one structured extended response question. The question will have two or three parts, with one part worth at least 8 marks. The question will have an expected length of response of around four pages of an examination writing booklet (approximately 600 words) in total.
Question 26 (6 marks) Describe the ethical issues related to advertising practices commonly used by fast food companies.
• Provides general information on advertising practices Question 26 Criteria Marks • Provides characteristics and features of ethical issues related to advertising practices used by fast food companies to sell their products 5–6 • Provides characteristics and features of an ethical issue related to advertising practices used by fast food companies 4 • Sketches in general terms advertising practices used by fast food companies 3 • Provides general information on advertising practices 1–2
Section IV (15 marks) There will be one extended response question. The question will have an expected length of response of around four pages of an examination writing booklet (approximately 600 words).
Question 28 (6 marks) Explain, using examples, how community groups and government organisations can promote good health through diet.
Question 28 Criteria Marks • Makes a relationship evident between community groups and government organisations and the promotion of good health through diet. Provides relevant examples. • Makes a relationship evident between community groups or government organisations and the promotion of good health through diet. Provides example(s) 6 OR • Provides characteristics and features of community groups and government organisations with links to the promotion of good health through diet. Provides example(s) 4–5 • Sketches in general terms community AND/OR government organisations AND/OR the promotion of good health 2–3 • Names community group/s or government organisation(s) that promote health OR • General information on good health 1
What Do I Need to Do? Organise study notes. Look at the Board of Studies Resources, especially past papers and HSC On-line Multiple Choice Practice. Visit a supermarket and look at what is new. Quiz yourself every time you eat a packaged food.