Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Birth of Our Savior Luke 2:8-14 Strange Government restrictions Bizarre Churches A world in need of a Savior
The Coming of the Angel of the Lord Luke 2:8-9 Vs 1-7 set time, location and place Vs 8-14 is the angelic announcement An angel appearing in glory is frightening The angel announced God’s good news of a great joy for all the people.
The Savior, who is Christ, the Lord Luke 2:11 The significance of a savior is related to The danger from which he saves The means of salvation The extent of salvation
A Savior An undefined savior could refer to many things: Military leader King Priest Inventor
1 Chronicles 11:5 – the stronghold in Jerusalem captured by David The City of David 1 Chronicles 11:5 – the stronghold in Jerusalem captured by David Mount Zion Place of David’s house & burial Luke 2:4 – Bethlehem in Judea David’s ancestral home – 1 Sam. 17:12 Micah 5:2
The Christ Christ = “anointed” = Messiah Salvation from political oppression Isaiah 9:2-4 Jeremiah 30:8-9
The Christ Salvation from hunger / want Ezekiel 34:23-24 Amos 9:13 Salvation from ignorance / injustice Isaiah 60:1-3 Psalm 22:27-28 Zechariah 8:20-22
The Christ Jesus has not yet met those expectations and so has been rejected Additional Messianic prophecies in Daniel Daniel 9:25 – had to come within the 69 weeks Daniel 9:26 – would be cut off & have nothing after the 69 weeks
The Christ Daniel’s prophecies show two distinct periods in which the Messiah would act. He would be cut off the first time He will conquer the second time
The Savior from Sin Genesis 3:15 Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The angel’s message to Joseph – Matthew 1:20-21 Only Jesus has or even could fulfill the first part of the Messianic prophecies
The Lord Lord when connected to Christ = God An ordinary baby is no threat – A child born as king and God in human flesh is a threat to sinners Many want to be saved from Hell, but not from the sins they love
The Lord Salvation is from sin & its consequences It is not fire insurance A Jesus who is not Lord is neither & cannot save from sin or Hell
Confirmaiton Luke 2:12-14 Swaddling clothes is normal, but lying in a manger is not. The heavenly hosts confirmed the angels announcement Isaiah 9:6-7
If you do not know the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ – meet Him today
Rejoice and Celebration the birth of our Savior And tell others His story
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ