Bold Connections HEBREWS 10:19-25
Bold Allegiance
Theological Truths for the Believer! A. Addressed to the believer B. The way into the Most Holy Place 1. A forerunner opened the way 2. The Blood of Jesus 3. The Death & Resurrection 4. Provides us with confidence (Boldness) we need to live our faith in the world!
Applications for Bold Allegiance A. Let us draw near – A Heart issue (God) 1) Come into God’s presence through worship, prayer, meditation upon God’s word. 2) With a Sincere heart & full assurance of faith – reminder that our acceptability is through Christ. 3) We are cleansed internally and also externally
Applications for Bold Allegiance B. Let us hold fast – A Mouth issue (Confession to the World) 1) To fly high and never droop, to be unbent or to lose its contents. 2) Whatever the world hurls against us must not darken the vision of great hope! “For faithful is the One who made the promise. 10:23; (1 Cor.1:9; 1 Thess. 5:24; 1Cor. 10:13)
Applications for Bold Allegiance C. Let us consider one another – A Conduct issue (Church) 1) Offer encouragement to one another 2) To drift or being remiss can cause double damage: to ourselves and to others in the church; faithfulness produces double fruit, our own good deeds and a stimulation of others to like good deeds.
A Quote from Charles Spurgeon “We hold forth the Cross of Christ with a bold hand… because that Cross holds us fast by its attractive power. Our desire is that every man may both hold the Truth, and be held by it; especially the truth of Christ crucified.”
Romans 1:16. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.